AMBIENT INFANTRY IN WAR THUNDER: A suggestion in the works (read disclaimer before commenting)

I’d recommend playing some post scriptum/squad 44 for some infantry combat with tanks. It really is a blast.

This is a discussion not a suggestion.

How about for a bit more realism there is a game mode where you have to protect the troops form enemy fire “similar to Arb” and you have to capture and objective now the soldiers will be a bit more interactive as in the will try to avoid you and you allies tanks so they don’t go splat (yes for simulator) because to make it more immersive we can add friendly fire with the soldiers. Also if you are in a Arty tank you can play that role for the infantry when they call out coordinates kinda like little scouts in a sense.

Also adds to the fact you need to also not only destroy the enemy tanks but the little slodier bots as well. Now this would also allow for troop transport vehicals to help them get to the battle better.

as the title says its a work in progress suggestion Im trying to get feedback on how I could improve it before I copy it over and suggest it officially

they cant be able to be killed due to Age ratings (ESRB, PEGI)

LOL theres already troop transport trucks ingame (as models for Air battles and in test flights)

What I meant is like how toy soldiers are “killed”

even that would cause its age rating to be changed as its consider by some people to be “violence” its also why your crew isn’t “killed” but rather “knocked out”

it would only change it to 10 and up instead of everyone.

Gimme some more interesting stuff for Heli EC… Infantry would be great there.

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its already pegi 12 and rated T (12+)

Here’s a suggestyion: TYPE C
Type C would be non-national infantry that would spawn within any city blocks, CQB-area (the area would be defined as a “red zone,” or as an example the observable spawn zone already extant in-game). This CQB (urban) zone would surround all city blocks areas. So what would the infantry have? All non-national infantry would be a third party and hostile to ALL player vehicles and would spawn the first moment ANY ground vehicle enters the CQB zone. Each infantryman would be armed with any typical (you can BR this) man-portable anti-tank weapon, whether that’s a rifle grenade, Gammon grenade, PIAT, bazooka/Panzerschreck, Panzerfaust, RPG, LAW, Dragon, etc. These infantry would then engage each vehicle that enters the zone. Each weapon system would have an ammo count appropriate to the system and when that ammo is depleted, the infantryman “J’s” out. Otherwise they can be killed by shooting at them. A set number of troops can be spawned depending on the map and size of the CQB area.
Purpose? To teach players the enormous risks and hazards associated with using tanks in places best left to infantry. Do with this idea as you wish, I know it won’t be implemented, but I’m so damn disgusted with all of these CQB maps in this game, especially when they’re generated in Conquest mode. Carry on.

In ASB, I’ve found there’s guys with mortars and howitzers that give you the tank damage x-ray when shooting them.

Quite amusingly, when I strafe them I turn their gun black but get no kill credit as you need to shoot the soldiers themselves.

I voted no and well, this is how I see it :

I personally do not want to see more things added to game. Currently as it stands :

TWS still tracks ghost objects
Tree Hitboxes are misaligned
Floating objects on air maps (like Afghan, Alt History)
RCS is questionable at best
Render and De-render bugs on vehicles
Objects with empty collision that should have collision
Models - So many vehicles in game needs to be reworked, detail added and improved / fixed.
Foliage / Tree render and textures

Personally, if it were up to me I would have the devs focus energy on polishing the game as it stands. Before more things get added. Think of the line of RT and DX12 coming in - just the visual improvement alone has been out of this world and is probably been the update that has excited me the most.

I’ll be honest I don’t agree that they should be purely visual. You should be able to gun them down and get small rewards for it like in ARB. Make them bleed tickets too, maybe. Other than that: +1
I especially like the idea of helicopter insertion. There was another infantry suggestion with light vehicles being able to do so. Helicopters having the same mechanic would be epic.

People comparing this to infantry games have no idea what they’re talking about and are dismissing the idea of additions for a grossly minimalistic gameplay. This has nothing to do with playing as infantry neither should the game stay stale like it has for a decade now.


I think the best thing we can do in order to appease both sides of the argument is to make this a separate game mode or make this exclusively for heli PvE. I understand that some ground players believe that this addition would ruin their spawn kill simulator. I do however like the idea of using utility helicopters and infantry fighting vehicles for their actual purpose instead of just being light targets for tanks and SPAA. Helicopters were made to support infantry after all. I suggest a type C variation. Infantry that can physically hold and capture objectives only if no other player is on the point. The more troops on a point, the faster it is captured. Players could receive points based on the actions of their infantry after deployment such as enemy player damage or objective capture. This would work by having groups of infantry existing as one entity in the files of the game to avoid server issues and having hundreds of troops cluttering the map. This is 100% feasible as half the mechanics already exists in the game files.
Infantry as of now can:

  • attack and damage the player
  • have limited pathfinding
  • Can move to, capture, and hold objectives
    I made a few examples in the CDK. They can do much more but I’m not a coding expert and the infantry is limited in capability as of now.

we need heli assault/paratrooper covering objectives in stuff like Heli EC (take a AH-1 or Huey gunship to back up slicks that drop troops) and Air SB and hopefully RB EC where you just escort C-130’s or Blackhawks or Ospreys onto LZ.

or add the transports themselves with higher rewards alongside the AI ones


IFVs and other APCs should be able to bring in a normal anti tank squad with an couple RPG guys, with the rest carrying small arms, and being able to deploy said squad at a capture point.

I feel like helicopters that can carry troops should be able to bring in elite Anti tank squads equipped with RPGs (2-3 more than ground unit squads), to drop off at a point.

(These squads would also help capture a point slightly quicker, wouldn’t stack if say another team mate dropped off a squad, they also would give the person who dropped them off an capture, even if that person dies, but the point was never cleared of infantry, and it is contested until won back by friendly forces, even if you have 1 guy remaining it still gives as much of a cap as you had when you died)


My personal take is that infantry is the only logical remaining step for the game once all vehicles are exhausted sans releasing War Thunder 2. It’s the biggest missing component to the game and it would drastically change the way the game is played.