New BR brackets for SB

Mirage was probably a mistake and we’ll have to see

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Well, the question is: who should fight against whom in the future?

I think the Nation question has to be structured more logically and clearly first. if we know ok team red always has these planes in this br and team blue always has these planes in the same br. then we could balance much better than now.

but apart from that. I think you/we should test it for 2 weeks first and then write feedback if it works so well or not. I’m also planning to fly more often this Br.
to me it all tastes like a scrambled emergency solution. but maybe it will work?!

you’re really hyped! xD :) if things are improved, that’s a good thing. yes.
but please keep in mind that this is just a quick emergency fix with snail slime as glue.

I’d feel the same as you if there was a really fat general fix for Sim.

It’s going from Tornados are unplayable to Tornados are going to be quite good, maybe even strong. That’s what I’m looking forward too.

No longer evading Su27 and J11s in a Tornado Gr1 and even the Tornado F3 might make an appearance

I’ve flown all the Mirage2000’s. They are extremely good, only lacking in # of missiles (can carry 4)

I can see them being both 11.7 and 12.0, but either way, the Mirage2000-CS4 and Mirage2000-CS5 should be the same BR

@CorporalApollo @Morvran

I will first die with F-4E and F-4J and then see.

what I would like would be a big Desert Storm event. parallel to EC. I think that’s what a lot of people want. maybe with a bit more chinese, russian reinforcement for Iraq. so that it is more balanced.

Choice A) Die in the F-4E or F-4J vs Su-27, J-11, F-15s, etc

Choice B) Die in the F-4E or F-4J vs Mig-23s, Mig-21s, Viggen, etc with the occasional F-14A, Tornado F3./ADV or F4 Kai

That is what this BR change fixes. Yes SB needs some major TLC. But this is a very very good start. So many DOA aircraft are now playable again, I take that as a MAJOR win. EC8/EC9 is about to become a lot more popular and so are those aircraft. Fighting the aircraft that are now EC10 is optional

Honestly I’m super happy with this. I was never super opposed to facing 11.7 in 11.0-11.3 jets, the problem was the giant leap in capabilities when you get up to 12.0. I’ve always wished that they kind of put a barrier between 11.7 and 12.0, and that’s pretty much what we just got in sim. Perfect.

It’s a bit sad for 11.0 jets but someone is always going to be the uptiered one. Much rather have it be 11.0 against 11.7 than 11.0-11.3 against 12.0+

Yeah, with how few 11.7s there actually is and like you said the GIANT leap from 11.7 to 12.0 this is probably the best way to do it.

When you consider that 50% of those 11.7 aircraft meant for A2A should probably be 11.3 anyway, its not going to be a big deal.

Im so excited to be able to play 11.3s without facing 12s. Its going to transform high tier SB

Just a pity for 11.0 with a few aircraft that have drawbacks forced into a worse position like for example:

  • F-5E with no IFF (irc) and very limited AA weaponry
  • F-4F which is completely out of place compared to other nations F-4E’s
  • Tornado IDS MFG and WTDS forced into same bracket as other mud mover Tornados with precision munitions
  • All Mirage F1’s

Yeah, its a shame. Potentially fixable too

So your topic here is not about nations.
but I only want to fly against russian and chinese airplanes. just like I used to do with my old squadron. not against other nato countries as nato.

by the way, my squadron broke down back then because we could no longer combine USA, GB and Germany as NATO-team due to these stupid current nation sets.
especially in my case our squadron was destroyed.

…so like we said. first we’ll test the new features and then we’ll see.

No, it’s purely and only about the new BR brackets and a way of discussing them outside the french tank debate in the main thread.

Yeah, I want new team comps. Dreading the typhoon Vs typhoon in the near future. But that is a separate and massive issue

for the new BR brackets, it is crucial who fights against whom.

french tank debate?

A lot of French tanks got BR increases

and yeah, it is, but these changes mean that 11.3 dont have to constantly face 12/12.3s and all nations benefit from that

I must disagree with Mirage F1s.
The F-1CT gets digital RWR, while having the IFF of the other F-1s, though there are still IFF bugs from time to time.


Hi , changes are ok. Pls can you consider add back 11.0 like top for same days? It’s really big difference between 11.0 and 11.3. Thank you

Morvran but I think it will be extremely hard with the F-4E now. it’s still my newest/old flagship. the 10.7 Br was in an almost perfect position in the old rotation. I found it very challenging against MiG-21s with good pilots. I should have played it much more often.
after the change, MiG-23s will constantly shoot their damn All-Aspect missiles into my camel face. I think that’s going to suck. with the rotation change, I’ll probably never become a Wolfpack Robin Olds.
The MiG-21s were already hard enough for me.


you see my flagship on my Vietnam deck

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You lose one rotation with 10.7 at the top, yes, but you still got one rotation.

11.0 will only see 11.3 at best, so they will face more Pulse Doppler equipped vehicles - not good for mud movers like the Tornado MFG who rely on low altitude penetration…

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