Nerf Me-163B and Me-163B-0 br

XD so because I’m pointing out the Me 163 and Ki 200 are OP, that means I also have to point out the F-8U and F-8E being undertiered?

Average Germany main logic right there.

They are 8.0 planes at 8.7, so they can’t be OP.


They arent OP, they are 1945 planes with 3 min of fuel that are fighting supersonics. Also i am not German main, i dont main any nation, i play all except Israel. Multiple TTs air or ground completed or near completion but sure.

I play with israel too, give this thing 5 min fuel and be done with it. Theres no way to change me163s br.

Saying a plane that completely trumps all 7.7-7.0s in a dogfight with literally 0 chance for them to fight back against it, belongs at 8.0 is wild.

Yeah, if they pulled its fuel it needed its BR dropped, but it’s still 8.7, and the horrible part is it’s low ammo count on the 30mm version and the Ki-200 as well.

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Everything is better than everything else in a downtier, let’s be brutally honest here. That is unless it’s already over BR’d (Like the Ki-200 and Me-163)

There’s a difference between being good in a down tier and being untouchable in a downtier.

You have plane untouchable in downtier yet you have 0.6 K/D on it so tell me your wisdom lmao. F-104C just like A, are absolute kings in downtier. Punishing sub sonics while being supersonic.


“F-104A/C isn’t that powerful as long as there are MiG-21SMT on uptier”
might be his answer.

F-104 was never untouchable, or even close to overpowered even before the ahistorical nerf.

Chinese F-104As (As were pretty much objectively better than Cs back then) were always some of the easiest targets to shoot down, and ESPECIALLY dodge.

Lmao what. F-104A/C before FM nerf and even after are still absolutely stomping on anything in downtier. The only thing Me 163 and Ki 200 have going for them is when someone decides to turn with them. And even then,one turn and they bleed all their speed, have horrible velocity guns with low ammo count aswell as very limited fuel. You are forced to play on 30% throttle 90% of the game to have a slight chance of getting into combat and actually doing something.

You are defending F-104A/C but blaming Me163 and Ki-200?
in the same time?

seriously pal?


Considering everything at the BR has more speed at low altitudes, generally having G-Suits as well means they can be more careless in fights.

He´s defending everything American and wants everything else nerfed and cries its OP,just look at his posts in other threads. Typical US main cope,but this one is diehard on it.

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Sorry, but that’s just skill issue. F-104 was an undeniably great vehicle, and at times pretty annoying, but it was by no standard overpowered.

That’s like comparing a 2S38 to a Maus.

I’m defending a Chinese plane that I have fought before.

Yeah,this leads nowhere. Your brain lost all the wrinkles and is smooth now. If you cant even admit F-104A/C is and was stomping which was blatantly obvious to anyone flying anything around that BR. I am giving up, you can keep crying.

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Current F104s are ok, the problem is most players don’t know how to play with it. Its nowhere close to being op if you’re looking at 9.3 jets, ayit is the best one for sure.

Sorry, but it’s your fault for struggling against a plane that can’t turn for shit, not mine. If you want, I can give you some tips on not dying so often in such a pathetic manner.

Coming from a chronically bad fighter player, I’ve the F-104J and have a positive KDR in it, maybe it’s because it’s my playstyle, but I really enjoyed it in even uptiers, I’m currently mopping the floor with enemies in the T-2 (Not premium)