Nerf Me-163B and Me-163B-0 br

At the moment in game Me-163 is a plane that suffers, cause he has total 3 min of fuel, without air spawn. Yes, this plane has good maneuverability, but that’s all it has. Most of its opponents have more ammunition/fuel/max speed. Its variaton Me-163B-0 can face to face with F-104, lol subsonic ww2 plane meet the supersonic coldwar plane because it has additional guns installed… It’s crazy


The problem is they did the fuel nerf because someone find a document about it, but climbrate is untouched. Climbrate should be way more, problem is, there is no documentation gjn would accept.

Same with 50mm cannon on the Me 262 A-1/U4. The document only sets a standard to the belts but it’s allowed to change the belts. But gjn read only the half and now the only usable belt for air is stealth…

Same with Ho229. The cannons are fixed in the fuselage, but gjn sets the accuracy like gunpods because their is no documtation at all. Fortunately they buffed it a little bit.


This does not change the fact that the aircraft is forced to play against much more technologically advanced opponents. The USSR has a similar aircraft with a BR of 6.7 (BI), but the Me-163 has a much higher BR

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I think that they (both Me-163s and the Ki-200) should be 7.7 in their current state, or 8.0 with an interceptor spawn point.

The BI should be atleast 7.3.


If anything, Me 163s should go up. They’re untouchable in downtiers.

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Some planes should have special BR settings that make them unable to see full downtiers and/or uptiers. Yes, matchmaking may take a bit longer.

To OP: the sentence “nerf BR” means increasing the BR (at least to me). You may want to reword the thread title.


people will get mad and want all planes to have this function

Ignore those who want it for no reason. There are planes that are useless in full uptiers, too strong in full downtiers, and some even combine both. Limiting the BR spread in such cases is an easy solution to the balancing issues.

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Moving up the 8.7 Me 163 B-0 to 9.0 to increase its chances of facing even more supersonic aircraft in uptiers to 10.0 BR such as the F-4C, F-1, F-105D, Mirage III, F-8E (FN) and J35D Draken is just diabolical.

The 3 minute fuel nerf already lowers their overall combat effectiveness in the air enough as it is, especially on larger EC maps. The Me 163 B-0/B-1 should 100% get airspawns at the moment for their current BRs.


Definitely better than it facing early jets.

What special advantages did the Me-163 have over other early jet aircraft?

Far faster, and far more agile. Me 163 makes the Su-11 look bad.

Its literally rocket made to climb to 8 km to make one pass on B-17 with its low velocity MK 108s and then land. Its absolutely unplayable,the only thing it have is maneuverability, but then so does Ariete at 9.3. Both facing super sonics and missiles…

It’s better that it be useless than overpowered.

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It still wont be OP. Only 3 min of fuel, and the worst low velocity guns. Anyone else can headon u and fire at 1km,you do that and the guns never hit and wont even reach there while ur opponent already evaded.

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Then just monitor your fuel and don’t headon. This isn’t rocket science! . . . oh wait

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Ur average US main complaining about everyone being OP except US lol. Comet is long overdue decreased BR just like Ki-200 have no business being 8.7

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Man, you really love to use that term ‘outside US TT’. Aren’t Ya?

You claimed that T-2 needs to be dead because it is annoying to face it with your beloved A-4 or F-86F-2
Now you want Me163 dead too?

No offence, but all of your claim sounds like “If someone outside US has some good goodies, that goodies need to be dead for me.”

As a joke, can’t wait to see when will the F-86A-5 goes 7.7 while Mystere IV hits 9.3


You cant expect anything sensible from US main with average K/D on his air being about 0.5. Or 0.2 in case of A-4E or 0.6 on F-5E and F-104C.

0.6 on F-104C? really?
That sound strange.
F-104C is untouchable and Unkillable plane for Subsonic jets.
(Well, they got lot much weaker after FM nerf. ngl. but still seems good enough for statpadding with riskless J-out at airfield.)

I uses Dassault Millan for mindless RP/SL grind with bombing
but even though that, my K/D with Milan scores 0.7+. :/