Nederlands leak list for france

For all intents and purposes, it’s basically a T-72A copy-paste

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How is Hungary related to Italy?

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hungaro-italian treaty of 1927, common membership in axis, licensed and used italian vehicles in hungarian army and air force. so whats with egypt, swiiss and canada?

French TT is already packed too, dude


Noooooo it does not


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All it really needs is light tanks and not Dutch light tanks.


ye, we all refuse to do so

Egypt and Canada are former colonies of UK and king of UK is king of Canada.

Counterargument, Quebec.


As much as I love to joke about it to annoy my Canadian friends the UK has no power of the Canadians. The Canadians honestly should continue to be split up between the UK for some WW2 vehicles, fSkink should have gone to the U.S. though), U.S., and Germany (do to vehicles and since the U.S. and Canada are extremely close allies literally and figuratively). I wouldn’t personally care though if stuff like CF-18 went to the British as long as the U.S. got a F/A-18A-D in the same update. Canadian leopards should not go to the British though they should go to Germany.

All Canadian stuff should be in the UK tree. Splitting up non-main nations is one of the worst things in WT, making national lineups impossible (and having them fight themselves on top of this).

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I personally think they should just be their own tech tree. But if not it should stay the way it is, split up between US,UK, and Germany

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Let’ just think about it, if Frenchs get Nederlands, what they would get??? Leopards, F16s and even Apaches, on the contrary, Frenches do need these, Germans do!!! For germans, there’s no more attack helis, and even fighters which maybe typhoon for years. F16 and Apaches are what germans really need.

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This isn’t due to lack of domestic vehicles, it’s due to the laziness of Gaijin as developers.

I do not have an inherent issue with sub trees when they supplement a lack of domestic vehicles, eg Italy.

I do have an issue when a Nation such as France with a long varied domestic production of armored vehicles is given a sub tree for nations unrelated to it with vehicles developed my entirely different nations. It doesn’t have good enough justification.

The only thing this tree will add that is “worth” the addition is a high tier IFV, but France again has a perfect vehicle for this waiting to be added.

The gun on the Jaguar also is used in Britain’s AJAX, another nation lacking high tier IFVs, so modeling it is killing two birds with one stone.

Gaijin’s willful laziness nears stupidity with this choice.


Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 09-30-16 dutch army under bundeswehr - Hledat Googlem

Knowing Gaijin, they will go trough with adding Benelux to France anyway.


belgium is a french puppet so checks out


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Of course they will, because if it’s logical and reasonable it’s not for the snail.

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France, along with England, was one of Egypt’s colonial powers, Egypt bought several French weapons.

France, Germany and Italy share the Alps with Switzerland, even these 3 countries share many cultural aspects with Switzerland, so much so that of the country’s 4 official languages, 3 of them are; French, German and Italian (the 4th is Romansh). In addition to being Swiss, he was also a French weapons operator.

Part of Canada’s population are French speakers, particularly in Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick, and has many cultural aspects shared with the French and a close relationship with France.

North-Belgium is Dutch