Nederlands leak list for france

Ok so what you are saying is Vatican City confirmed for WT.

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Give North Brabant and Limburg back you Dutchies! It is rightfull Belgian territory. ;)

Fingers crossed we get some neat lower-tier stuff, like the T.15 from Belgium, armed with just a 13.2mm MG. It could be a fun 1.0, like the M2A2. :)


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Benelux is better for Britain or Germany they are our closest ally

RNLAF AH-64D Apache Longbow

Dats Crazy D:

All Dutch equipment should go to Germany.

All German equipment should go to Italy.

Dutch stuff that isn’t from the last 30 years wouldn’t fit in Germany at all.
Both countries fought each other in WWII. You should be able to fight in a Fokker against Bf109’s, not with them. Same goes for the armoured cars and the tanks.


Please be trolling

No way in heck should a Canadian subtree go to France (the Franco means nothing due to, as far as I am aware, Quebec and Canadian French speakers do not posses their own personal military). Benelux on the other hand makes more sense.

The Dutch should go the the German tech tree.

Quebec or not, referendum failed twice. It’s a province of Canada, Iive there and I serve the 2nd division of the Canada. I did my segment to the Queen and I serve the King as part of Commonwealth. It’s honorific.

I mean it could of been and does admittedly make more sense. However on the other hand the german tree already has argentina and is way more full than the french tree. France is the second pick of were Dutch vehicles should go. Plus it does keep people who wanted to play BENELUX vehicles together happy instead of splitting it up like some other nations (cough canada cough)

Purpose of Sub Trees is to bring exotism to nations that lack something if Germany got Dutch vehicles they’d get nothing new except an F16 so tell me all about German/Dutch close relationships all you want I don’t care germany doesn’t need Dutch stuff and it bring no advantage to them like it or not. Technically no country germany could get would be interesting for them except Turkish Sub Tree because all countries Germany could get as sub Tree mainly use German things.

F16s, AH64s, CV9035s and all its different variants (including the MLU). Also note the fact THAT THE LEOPARD 2s IN DUTCH SERVICE ARE STILL OWNED BY THE GERMANS. France should not get the Netherlands at all. The Dutch, Belgians, and whatever people from Luxembourg are called don’t need to all go to one nation. France can get Belgium and UAE (maybe Greece but that could also go to the U.S.). Germany can get the Dutch and the Swiss. Maybe the Polish?

Yes but typically their own variation of it. This was kind of bound to happen when the largest exported NATO tank of the modern day is the Leopard 2

AMX-10RC is amazing, I have no experience playing it, but it’s always fascinated me.

Why would the Germans get the Polish? That makes little sense.

Germany doesn’t really need a subtree.

Idk that’s why I said “Maybe the Polish?” The Polish could be their own tech tree tbh.

Don’t think they have enough for their own, but mixed with another 1 or 2 nations sure.