[Naval] Add aiming reticles for depth charge mortars & rockets

[Would you like to see aiming reticle for mortars?]
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[Would you like to see aiming reticle for ASW rockets?]
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With the Battle of the Atlantic: Ships Against Submarines! it became more relevant than ever that the years spent missing any means of aiming mortars (e.g. Mk.10 Hedgehog mortar, Type 95 depth charges with mortar, etc. - this includes the small mortars on American coastal vessels, such as Mk 2 mortar). You have to shoot them based on intuition and hope for the best. Sometimes it’s not even know if a port or starboard launcher will fire - or any at all, of that matter. This should be solved, and we should be able to see an in-game interface that will allow us to see which launcher will fire next and where charges will land (even if it’s just a distance or other approximate).

Similarly there are no means of aiming rocket-powered Anti-Submarine Weapons (e.g. Mark 108 Weapon alfa or RBU-2500) - long-range ASW weapons have zero use if there are no tools given for us to land the projectiles on the submarines, or heck: even enemy battleship, cause right now it’s so much based on player spraying & praying that something lands on a target.
Now - I’m well aware that there’s a huge chunk of community that hates seeing, especially RBUs, land on their destroyers, so I add it as a separate poll, but as the war in Ukraine has shown - RBU-6000 mounted on ML-TB were used in combat against ground targets, so it’s not a purely ASW weapon and shouldn’t be thought of as such. As it stands now every nation except for France has a rocket-powered weapons in the naval forces.

I intentionally do not give any recommendations as for how such aiming reticles should look like, leaving it up in the hands of Gaijin to decide and find that sweet spot where usability and game balance meets.

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in battle of atlantic the mortars were really hard to use so most of the time we used HE shells to damage subs

This reminds me of what Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag did for mortars.

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