I think they mean IRL, in game they hold no value over manual loaders for the most part. Especially considering they can now be destroyed mid fight and your dead on the spot unless you have a round in the chamber.
The turret basket module as horizontal turret drive I see as equal threatment, I can’t count the amount of times I just leaved the tank when I was shot into the autoloader while reloading, at the same time, relying on shooting the lower glacis of the Western designs and hitting nothing, with this being a way to solve and makes things more equal, for me is a good addition.
I don’t see T80s getting the internal modules, do you?
There isn’t much on the inside of the T-80 dawg
DevServer still have a week or two, anywhere of the time it can just pop into those vehicles.
FCS, driver controls?
The FCS is literally a box and some wires, and the ‘driver controls’ are two sticks, two pedals, and a few gages, that’s it.
Goodluck moving without driver controls
Is it though? The autoloader module is something that when destroyed hinders only loading. (the equivalent being the crew loader getting knocked out). It has several other advantages as well over crew loading:
the main drawback is the times it takes to repair when shot.
The added basket just ads an extra thing in the crew loaded vehicles that not only makes the horisontal stop working but also creates spall and knocks out the loader/gunner at the same time (in contrast the autoloader acts partially as a spall-liner). At current settings in DEV the basket has zero advantages while the autoloader has several. Not to mention that the basket does not function like that at all IRL.
Oh no, my right control tiller snapped in half, luckily the rest of it’s still there! But where am I, the driver? A pile of mush against the auto loader, which most likely just vaporized the entire crew.
It’s either for every tank or none, equal treatment if they go forward with this implementation the Leopards and Abrams would be unplayable.
I mean there are NATO tanks with autoloaders, so I fail to see why this only affects “PACT” tanks?
Type 90, TKX, Leclerc, the new EMBT, and a few others iirc.
Shooting anything Soviet straight on results in a simulated nuclear explosion anyway so adding a basket wouldnt change a thing but shooting anything western and getting sent to the sky by the same shot tank is pretty common thing. I DO DISAGREE WITH BLENDING TURRET RING AND THE BASKET!
I am just saying that for soviet tanks it wouldnt matter anyway because to hit the basket you hit the carrousel aswell anyway so nuke time. What imo would be a better option is sort of a crew stun for all tanks whenever penetrated but not destroyed.
If they indeed must act as ‘spall liners’ in-game then this addition will be mostly worthless the work, and probably a advantage, but yet, as you said, situational.
Which is what most players are saying. it’s odd to add in general as IRL it doesn’t have a mechanical function and is there to protect the crew from getting caught in things when the turret is moving. So adding it as a horisontal traverse mechanism is really weird.
Yea I’m saying that acting as if autoloaders only nerfed “pact” tanks isn’t really accurate since almost every country has autoloaded tanks
Surely lol, they should make one go dead, you know cuz realism.
Bro it’s a game, if you want a simulation you can go fight, just be prepped to take in all the realism.
Like, I’m heavily against it because it just means there’s another factor where things will be unevenly balanced and people will yap.
Turret basket creating spall isn’t a good idea and should honestly get fixed before the update goes live.
We can agree on that as well.
Well this is making it fair.
It wasnt fair at all, when T-tanks got their loaders disabled, while leos and abramses could just take shots through the side with zero spalling.