NATO mains said autoloader only make the tank stronger

This happens a ton, I’m wondering if they even played these vehicles

You fire a shot, reverse at -4 kph so you are going to take hit, while still reloading you take one to the turret cheek or the dome, then you cannot shoot anymore.


Those types of complaints were mostly before they modeled the autoloader module so at that time the autoloading tanks could not be hindered from reloading whilst tanks without autoloader could still get their loader crew knocked out which stopped the loading process. Now those complaints are seen way less.

In the situation you just showed tanks without autoloader are even more likely to have their loader knocked out than autoloaders are of having that module knocked out from that type of shot, there are other situations where the roles are reversed though.

Additionally, what is your goal with making a post like this? it feels more like a complaint than a productive start to a diskussion on a topic.


It is a valid complaint though, which could be the start of a discussion on said topic about the over-exaggeration of the protection the autoloader module gives Eastern Bloc tanks/vehicles and could tie into the fact that a 6.5s/7.1s reload is already enough of a disadvantage in toptier, coupled with poor gun handling and reverse speed.


If that is the case then there are already a lot of topics on that subject that can be used.

Most of the time shots like that will be eaten by volumetric or even likelier the ERA (This is less common with Kontakt 1, but for the later ones it happens a lot). I feel the autoloader was kinda a neutral addition, hinders the tank a little, but can also save it from dying, if the tank is in the right position it can be safe even with the 4kmh reverse and repair a shot that would’ve killed it in game versions prior.

I’ve still to see autoloader eating shots.

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Inb4 someone comes in saying “but muh leo and abrams shouldn’t have turret basket modelled, unfair russian bias”.
Oh wait, that’s already been done.
Well done on the module votes community, just shows that the average player has an IQ at the same number as absolute zero in Kelvins.


Regardless it still fragments far less the the upcoming Turret baskets do. Even though they are supposed to reduce spall, are thin plates and made of an aluminum alloy.


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Turret basket is fine but seriously, the whole thing as a horizontal turret traverse is insane. The
Abrams didn’t need it, the 2A7 will probably be fine tho


It doesn’t even need to fragment much as ammo is literally stored in there. For WT uses, autoloaders already behave like some sort of a turret basket that’s also explosive in most cases.


Except that a disabled autoloader doesn’t also take out the Traverse mechanism, even though the Rammer can’t be out of alignment with the gun, so should fix the turret in place.

Or prevent the gun from firing wholesale like the erroneous Hydraulic module does.


Not a bug report.


Game convention. Not a bug.

I’d love to know exactly how this Not a bug / Gaming convention incongruity gets squared away.


One thing stops you from rotating your turret until it’s fixed.
Other thing stops you from reloading at all until it’s fixed.

They’re both similarly disabling features though that affect different parts of gameplay.


One only stops you from doing anything if you don’t have a round loaded, the other stops you from doing anything wholesale.

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You aren’t having the round loaded in at all times.
You’re also able to rotate your hull if your turret is disabled.


It’s still a non zero chance to have 5~6 seconds to refine the point of aim.

With the amount of fragmentation it currently generates what is even hitting the turret basket that isn’t also clearing the gunner / commander, or driver / engine at a minimum?

That’s now, for much of my playing career in war thunder, there is nothing that could ever stop you from reloading, nothing.

You’d always reload no matter what and be ready to fire again unimpeded.

The same goes for all to be honest.
Side shots will not only get your autoloader but two of your crew as well, especially when shot from the same level.

Autoloader module is definitely on par with the turret basket in the game, especially since it will explode in most cases when hit.

Biggest thing about this in my opinion is that the turret basket IRL does not in any way handle the traverse of the turret, it shouldn’t stop the turret from turning when hit in the game.

Also, currently the autoloader acts like a spall-liner and stops spall, the turret basket as it is in DEV at this moment create even more spall than was there before (which is the opposite of what it does IRL). So what many players are complaining about is the implementation of a module that should increase survivability but is implemented in such a way that it decreases survivability and also causes a hinder to functionality instead. It’s like if they implemented ERA so that when shot it acted like an HE round and destroys the barrel and knocks out the driver at the same time instead of protecting the tank.

As for how much they impede play (looking at it from a purely “only that module destroyed” perspective), a disabled traverse only hinders aiming with mouse, you can still aim by turning the hull. A disabled autoloader only stops the next shot from being loaded and does not stop the tank from aiming and shooting the round already loaded. So for the first few seconds they are about the same (a small advantage to the autoloader as its easier to aim for weakspots in that situation), after that a disabled autoloader hinders more as you are a sitting duck while the tank with destroyed traverse can still load a new round and fire again. So both are very situational. But still, i don’t like the idea of implementing any modules in a way they do not function IRL.


Tbh I think this is such a dumb complaint. The turret basket has a lot of important stuff in it IRL. Can’t wait for Gaijin to model all the wires and cables in tanks, losing them resulting in losing control of certain aspects of the vehicle! 🔥🔥🔥

No but really, people who complain about this are dumb. It’s realism. In reality, in tanks there is rarely “empty space” because almost every nook and cranny is filled with at least something.

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I’ll just copy-paste my comment from another thread:

Before, autoloaders were broken because they were all strengths and pros, but no drawbacks.

Now, autoloaders have drawbacks, but still have strengths;

1- Reload process won’t be interrupted by extinguishing a fire.
2- Reload process won’t restart for extinguishing a fire.
3- Reload process won’t be interrupted by having a crew member killed.
4- Reload speed unaffected by available crew in battle.
5- Reload speed unaffected by crew health or damage.
6- Reload speed unaffected by crew skills, no need to even train the loader.

It was extremely unfair that it had all these advantages before ON TOP of being indestructible, while human loaders had to deal with all of the disadvantages with no advantages by comparison.

The addition of the autoloader module was the least that could be done to even out the loaders situation.