My sincerest apologies to aceKING13 for the TK today

Its been a rough morning. I haven’t been getting many kills lately and I had started the match frustrated. This match however had started going well. I was in a Mig-23ML with two R-24T’s and the 4 ir missiles. I had managed to land both my R-24T’s for kills and hit some random in a P-400 (Not sure how that happened) with a R-60M.

About that time I got jumped by an enemy who shot a missile I was able to flare. I whipped my mig 23 back around to get on the enemies six to get a revenge shot. I was almost there when out of nowhere a Mig-21 piloted by aceKING13 came screeching into view splashing my would be victim and claiming the kill for himself. He did a good job. I however having almost claimed my 4th kill was very irritated by it.

I then did something stupid out of frustraton. I ment to shoot some bullets under him just to give a little “Hey jerk that was mine” not intending to hit him. I didn’t want the silver lion penalty or the teamkill because I just don’t do that. Well the spirit of Simo Häyhä must have lept into my jet because at just under a mile some of my shots landed and he ended up dying. Now mind you I have exactly 3 guns kills in 80 matches with this thing and all of them have come by way of head on lucky passes. I miss every guns kill I have ever tried on purpose. That doesn’t excuse what happened… but my luck today is trash, and he didnt deserve to be team killed.

I apologized in chat over and over but he’s said he’s going to report me and I don’t blame him. I wish it didn’t happened but I can’t change it. I am sincerely sorry though. I honestly did not mean at all to hit you with it.


Peak war thunder drama


He likely won’t find it due to not as many of the players using the forums but always nice to see those who apologize


@AceKING13 is this you or what(sorry if incorrect ping) but dayum

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Instead of sending him a PM ingame for an apology, this guy makes a whole new topic on the forum lol


bro really felt sorry


We need a major update about aceKING13 apology


I sent him a message in game but it said “Not connected to chat”. I’ve felt like crap about it all morning since it happened. He was really mad and I don’t blame him.


He probably doesn’t even remember this ordeal by now

Ironically, I got the ping.


I am truly sorry for what I did. It doesn’t excuse what happened… but again, I am sorry.


crazy, you remember this guy?

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@AceKING13 do you forgive him?


i just get annoyed by the SL penalty if I accidentally tk someone

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God bless @Col_Doug_Masters, I’d probably do the team kill and move on, but if the guys came and complained to me I’d apologise.




What would Chappy say?

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Chappy wouldn’t allow me to play the tape,. He would just refuse my application to the airforce academy and never fix the oil pressure in my cessna

I understand being frustrated and having bad games, it happens to all of us. I appreciate the apology, and I wouldn’t have seen it without that ping from @MrBombastic8. I don’t answer PMs in game from players I don’t know, too much drama and hate. Besides I was out of time for my lunch break.

As for the actual TK; I am not you so I do not know your “intent” but what I can do is see the replay. According to the replay you wasted 195 of your 200 cannon rounds in 2 separate bursts to send me that “friendly” message. You say “sorry tk” like a missile auto locked me or something, but you did it very intentionally. It wasn’t a warning in my eyes, but was an intentional kill. If I thought I had “kill steal” that target from you, I probably would not have cared and just moved on.

From what I observed in the replay, you were not in a dogfight with the target. In fact you were engaged by the target and the tailed by them until I forced them to engage me in a head on engagement. I turned to close the gap and secure the kill, then at the same time you decided you wanted to try engage them as well. We fired close to the same time and my missile impacted .5 seconds before yours. If you would have gotten the kill, I wouldn’t have cared. Biggest way to make RP is to live long, that is what I generally care about.

My conclusion, shit happens and people make mistakes but don’t lie about it being an accident and then blame me for a kill steal. My report and clips from the match was sent Gaijin for their review so they can make that call.

Here is the replay link if anyone wants a second opinion.