Again, I made a mistake. I felt like I was engaged in a dogfight with him. I was turning to enage him and never seen you. I didn’t even know you were there until I looked at the replay for myself.
I sincerely did not mean to hit you. I sprayed away because of frustration and it wasn’t a smart move the whole way through. Again, I am sorry. Nothing I can do to fix it now
This is better than the sausage thread
this is absolutely a GEM
It’s all water under the bridge. Moving on to other matches and continuing the endless grind.
Absolutely absolute cinema
I don’t know what the Stridsvagn happened here but I hope everyone’s okay
I made a stupid decision and wanted to apologize publicly. AceKING13 is a good player and was playing the game right and I TK’d him out of frustration.
Hey, stuff happens. I’ve done the same and I’m not proud of it, but stuff happens.
This game is really all I have in the world these days. Last thing I wanted to do was make an enemy in it. Family is all gone. Friends are all gone. Kids are gone. I’m disabled so I don’t work anymore. I basically sit at home and play this game. I probably take it too seriously. It just doesn’t feel good when you make a mistake like that. I probably won’t even have an account anymore after this. I never did anything like this before so I don’t know if I’ll be banned or what.
Just wish i could start my day again.
You won’t get banned for one teamkill.
You won’t be banned mate, it’ll be okay. If you want my advice, dont talk to people in game, and pretend your teammates are always out to get you
Forum trollposts done right. I’m thoroughly invested in this
We need a mod here to make this apology official