My expectations for the next ground event

what would you propose?

Fewer events, more gap feelers

what does that have to do with the next ground event vehicle

That’s these events are a waste of working time, they should do something more productive like SPAA’s for the USA after M42.

so you dont think them having community events to give free unique vehicles are worth the effort? would you rather them just be made to be purchased for a limited time instead and not give free vehicles away anymore?

OK. I wouldn’t get a problem with that, but this “event vehicles” never returning that new players or the one who missed it would’ve the chance to get them. That’s my problem with it in general, that’s why I see this is a waste of working time to improve the game trees. However, only my opinion.

Interesting but I would prefer that they put some helicopter as an event vehicle as happened with the H34 with the bullpup missile.

yes we need a jeep for the us

Really hope the up-gunned becomes a trend and we will see the aforementioned Leclerc T4 or other NATO prototypes (like Leopard 2 or Abrams with 140mm cannon)

Hope we see these in future, but now I’m more in favor of the Leclerc T4, for maybe, promote the French tech tree and eventually Gaijin work more on it.

In terms of usage, the M151A2 TOW would be better, as the 106mm Recoiless behave so bad sometimes, but yes, would be also a good addition.

Hope we see at least the T-100 SPAA and T77 MGMC in next major by early 2025.

I doubt, never was mentioned any event helicopter, but I support. Maybe part of Winter Extreme or Summer Extreme events.

maybe im in the wrong tax bracket for this game but i think event vehicles should still be earnable through other means once an event ends or purchasable for the equivalent price of a premium of that type, would create a soft cap too so no 400$ for some goober 3.3 tankette

I’d wanna see that Abrahms with the ADATS system, 12 ADATS missiles and twin 35mm Bushmasters, but I’m pretty sure that was purely paper only, think it wasn’t even considered in the end. A shame cause it’s so damn entertaining. Might even get me interested in anything beyond 8.3.



Leopard 2 140?

Leopard with ERA

Whilst there isn’t really any evidence to support either of these vehicles as the upcoming main prize, I’ll entertain the possibility that it could be the recently leaked Boxer or Jagdpanther G2.
Out of pure interest, I am wondering of which would be preferred by the players.

On one hand, we have the Boxer. For simplicity’s sake I will assume this is the RCT30 variant since it would be the easiest to implement, but there is nothing stopping it from turning out as the better-known CRV version with the Lance turret.

The former is an IFV variant equipped with the aforementioned unmanned RCT30 turret from the Puma. Besides the turret, the hull is already present in-game on the Vilkas, making this vehicle an easy copy-paste job for Gaijin in its most barebones form as shown in the first image.

Note that the Boxer RCT30 can and has been equipped with SPIKE LR2 launchers stacked vertically rather than horizontally as opposed to the Puma VJTF, the MUSS softkill APS, and the Dedrone active UAV sensor.

On the contrary, the Jagdpanther G2 was nothing more than a handful of minor late war adjustments to the Jagdpanther to simplify production on the assembly line. These included a switch from the Panther A chassis to that of the Panther G, the replacement of the single-piece PaK 43/3 cannon with the two-piece PaK 43/4 to reduce wear, the bolting of the gun mantlet to the exterior rather than interior, and other tweaks irrelevant to the game.

Surviving Jagdpanthers are rarely classified as G1s or G2s due to the menial differences between them. Bovington’s vehicle can be easily confirmed as the G2 variant as a result of its postwar production by REME. image
The thing is, the Germans were well known for incorporating their design changes very slowly across earlier versions of vehicles in addition to newly produced ones, which led to many G1 models also featuring many of the same modifications as the G2. This is reflected in War Thunder’s late G1 example with the external mantlet and two-piece PaK 43/4

Anyhow, which one of these armored vehicles would you rather have in the upcoming event for the German ground tree? The Boxer could be an interesting wheeled comparative to the Pumas, but locking it behind a limited time event might be irritating to some. Meanwhile the Jagdpanther G2 can offer a free substitute to the current Panzerbefehlswagen premium just as suitable for grinding, but ultimately it does not distinguish itself over the tech tree one in any noticeable way.

  • Boxer
  • Jagdpanther G2
0 voters

I’ll be indifferent with this vote,

About the vehicles itself I’m also indifferent with their addition but not as event vehicle. I see event vehicles a opportunity to get the hands into unique things, I as a player knowing both vehicles capabilities, I’m not grinding almost half of a month to get access to something that’s already in game.

The Boxer RCT30: Vilkas + Schützpanzer, certainly not grinding for something that I’ve already experienced or able to grind in the tech tree,

The Jagdpanther G2: no technical differences in terms of weaponry, same cannon, same ammunition, also not grinding when either I can buy the premium variant maybe more cheaper or just grinding the tech tree counterpart.

The updates from Smin was created few hours after this post, which means I never knew the vehicle would be German or featured in German tech tree.

Although I don’t want to see the Pz. 87-140 by this moment, Germany has a lot of vehicles and that’s why I’m supporting Leclerc T4 “Terminateur” because French has more to offer that still not featured in-game.

But between the two options, I’d go for the Jagdpanther G2, WW2 segment in-game has a lot of missing vehicles. But again, not as event vehicle.

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I absolutely agree with this opinion on event prizes. I understand that it frustrates people to miss out on unique vehicles or realatively simple modifications that massively affect gameplay, but that in essence is more or less an issue with the event grind itself rather than the chosen rewards.

Unfortunately, Gaijin has proven that they are very unpredictable when it comes to literally all of their decisons regarding this game. I would not put it past them to add the Boxer RCT30 with Spikes to bank off the new Puma VJTF, or a Jagdpanther G2 hero vehicle with a skin and premium benefits under the justification of it being a “good vehicle”.

I’m not going to assume that these are potential event vehicle candidates, it was merely a “what-if” from my end.

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oh hell nah