MW-1 Cluster bomb container (Tornado IDS Germany)

I propose to add to the game a cluster bomb container MW-1 for the Tornado IDS aircraft (Germany)

It will be convenient for destroying lightly armored targets, columns (Aviation battles) and bases.

It will also work great for cinematics, trailers, and more!

The bombs have a small amount of TNT comparable to Hydra or S-5K and their main advantage is their range of action and ease of attack (you don’t need to point the plane at the target as to launch missiles)
Bomb damage will be less than that of the above missiles due to indirect fire, reduced speed and other factors.

Wiki article:


I don’t think the game or the community are ready for cluster munitions yet… If you just add the MW-1, everyone will want CBU too etc.

Performance will also be a huge concern, as it could become a “tactic” to sortie with multiple CBU and just crash everyone’s game.

Good addition in theory, game breaking in practice.


I think you are right, but in theory you can reduce the number of bombs from 110~ to 48-52 (the number of 100 lb bombs on WWII planes)
True, this makes no sense and most likely the players will be outraged by the small number of bombs.

Another way to reduce the performance impact would be to remove the cluster munitions ability to cause harm to to buildings and terrain deformation, which in return reduces the amount of calculations that need to be done by lot, for example a single 2000lb bomb in a city will cause a lag spike, 100 rockets fired at you doesn’t necessarily.

I believe this needs more discussion, and I am almost certain the devs have already thought a lot about it, as cluster munitions aren’t unknown by far.

I personally would enjoy a BK90 for the viggen series, but I believe that won’t come in the near future.


Yes, it would be nice and quite logical.
By the way, if you still add cluster charges to the game, you would be right to increase their damage to enemy fields in Air SB since the damage to them is broken and weak.

I think if they did this another thing they could do to curtail the performance cost without sacrificing the usefulness is also doubling the power of each bomb. So if like you say they drop it from 110 to around half that then they double the power of the bomb so there’s less bombs but it still has the same power, in theory.

I looked for information and found out that each Kleinbombe 44 mine has an explosive weight of 680 - 700 grams, in the game it can be rounded up to 1 kg.

Open source:
Microsoft Word - vm0220.doc (

I don’t know anything about this modern MW-1 device but if it is ever added to the game, then so should the Bombenrost 24 SD 2/XII, AB 24, Bd C 10, AB 70, AB 250, AB 500, AB 1000, etc:

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It could be added to the Italian tornado too
lb2409 (1)


This post is exactly what I meant lol, if you add one of them you have to add all of them, otherwise the community will be potentially angered.

Well this is a fixed munition to the underside of the Tornado IDS. The munitions get jettisoned out of the sides so its not really a bomb, but more like a rocket pod with heavier warhead. It weights 4.7 tones and is ejected after the all the munitions have been expelled. It has the potential to be devastating for ground targets but man is that thing going to be a sitting duck for the added weight so it really does have a balance to the whole thing.

If someone wants to see a video clip of the MW-1. Here:

I believe it would be a great addition.
About the reason, if they implemented this one then they have to implement this as well. Then they would never add anything.
They should at least start with one and if it is working or they learned and optimized it, they can add all the other ones.

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guys I would really like to know your opinion about this idea
Could you put hearts or reply negatively to this comment to let me know if this is a good idea in your opinion?

p.s. It’s worth taking into account our options for optimizing a cluster container

Cluster bomb mechanics would be a nightmare.

Think back to your school maths classes and Venn diagrams - 3 circles isn’t just A, B, C but A, B, C, A+B, A+C, B+C, A+B+C…those simple 3 areas have become 7!

Now do it in 3D with varying distances and strengths from the centres…theres a reason simulating explosions in movies and industry take an age as its very processor intensive.

Now of course you could just assume the spheres will never overlap regardless of proximity. But wouldn’t that just defeat the purpose of using cluster munitions in the first place where the result is usually greater than the sum of its parts?

This doesn’t mean it won’t arrive in a simplified form, in fact I hope they do find a way eventually, but atm I suspect its more suited to single player games than multiplayer server based environments (I played Fo76 for years and trolls spamming mininukes made for single fps and crashes during many events - I’d rather WT doesn’t fall in to the same trap - entire team kills during RB group takeoff!?)

The game already has a working method for crossing explosions, take the same drop of 40-100 100/50 lb bombs at once.
Or when several players drop bombs at one point.
And yes, I understand that now there are quite a lot of pitfalls for creating this suspension, but I think it’s worth reminding gaijin about the availability of these cluster containers.

A stick of Bombs doesn’t come close to the chaos a cluster bomb nomb can do. The biggest CBs can drop dozens of bomblets which will explode in close proximity in a very short time frame, and it will only be worse with players who salvo them.

in a close quarters environment there could be several players affected who would need all the data simultaneously. It’s not just calculating balistics and damage, that’s child’s play for any computer, it’s producing the visuals that won’t result in an explosion (pun intended) of ‘ghost shell’ complaints.

As I said previously I do hope they resolve it, and f I were to recommend a path I would begin with the Small Bomb containers used in WW2 rather than modern dispensers.

CBUs are one of the primary ground attack weapons of the tornado and the go to for dealing with tanks. It’s about time we got them in game

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Wait, we could get a F-4 or F-104 with this thing?