Multipathing and AIM-54s

Well, no. J-8F ate a massive L this patch. PL-8s are not competitive in a BR that might as well be 13.0 with the matchmaker. You have the least MRAAMs of the aircraft that can carry them, and by far one of the worst flight models. Would probably be better if i could bring PL-8B or 4x PL-12.


why would I?

I expect to see it go up. Aim 54s vs 10.7 and 11.0 isn’t too balanced currently, because some aircraft don’t have chaff, and some can’t even detect when they’re being locked by an F-14. And you are right about the fact that US mains will cry so much about it going up.


I can’t say I’ll cry about it going up, but I will say that it doesn’t need to be facing those planes. Some people in this thread are still calling it a skill issue somehow, I dont really think thats the case.

Are you smoking? The aim 54 is pathetic lol just fly straight it will literally go into the ground lol you can see them coming towards you and just go a little turn while going fast and it goes right by 90 percent of the time I haven’t been killed by this missile in a long time even when flying high an 18g overload is pathetic. The f104 is an exception to the rule only because it’s an airframe that does not turn at all so avoiding any missles even with 10g overload is extremely hard sometimes

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MP was changed.

Personally the plane feels good, if it ate a massive L or not i don’t really care. As long as i get multiple kills per game i’m ok with it.

I’m aware the argument is based on him flying a f104 that flight model is retarded it’s literally a beer can with an engine of course he ain’t out turning an 18g overload missile

Terrain mapping/terrain flying, it’s not safe, but if you can do it, it works.

Feels like 2022 again with people malding about the F-14.
Aim-54 is the only fox-3 that can be kinetically dodged. Period. Even most fox-1 are much more maneuverable.

Such an OP missile.

Give it its realistic 25G (at least for the aim-54C) and sure it could go to 12.7-13.0. As long as it stays a measly 17G missile with such a piss poor acceleration that even a fat phantom fully loaded can dodge by pulling into it, it has no business going after 40-50G arh missiles, sorry. That’s just crazy talk. Stop trying to hug the ground.


Maybe that other proposal I heard the other day is the only option for this situation huh…

A suggestion I heard was that only taking phoenixes ups the aircraft’s br in a match, and that without taking them you stay at the same Br as normal. Ofc this would require you to select your loadout before a match begins to determine your matchmaker. I’m guy t be the best solution for this problem.

Either that or gaijin decides to make multipathing effected by era, so the older the missile, the more susceptible to multipathing it is.

Why would it go up with the Phoenix missiles on board? Taking 6 Aim7s can net more kills than taking the 6 Pheonix because they are better missiles.


Dodge the 16G missiles…
F-14A is honestly one of the lesser 11.7s as is.
And F-14B is a mid 12.0.
J-8F is superior to the F-14B… the fact you imply F-14B fires AIM-120C7s is funny tho.


You can’t kinetically dodge AIM-54s when you don’t know when it is coming. Even with the longest burning motor in the game, at normal firing distances the motor burns out long before you can pinpoint where it is going (and who it is aimed at). Many planes at the BR range of F-14 don’t have all-aspect RWR, or RWR at all. Also, a 17G missile cannot be kinetically defeated without significant maneuverability. It’s not an AIM-9B, planes with a full bombing load or slow speed are unable to dodge it from most launch ranges.

Therefore there is a need to dodge by multipathing (which is hard and dangerous do in the face of the recent 60m nerf). Or notching and chaffing, which is also hard to do, given the relatively short range the AIM-54 locks at, in addition to imprecise or lack of RWR on the planes in F-14’s BR range.

Given all this, it is safe to say that both F-14s definitely needs to be raised by a BR step each. Their flight model and loadout is good enough in the uptiers it will face. For example, J-8F is 12.3 with 2 PL-12s, 4 PL-8s and a lacking flight model (much inferior to that of the F-14’s).


Ok confirm he has some hate against the usa in general. What nation are you from. Why you hate the usa for. You got beef or somthing with us?

THANK YOU! That is so true. He needs to realize that he could fly at 40 meters and be fine if he turns 3 to 10 degrees every once in a while.

I… what?

Brother, the Aim-54s are ARH, they have extremely long range, and with the multipathing nerf, they have such a large amount of explosive filler that they tend to deal splash damage to you regardless of how low you are. Why wouldn’t you take some phoenixes?


Flying at 40 metres is not simple. Many trees in game reach above this height, and variations in terrain, such as small dips and valleys, make it impossible to do so in many areas of many maps. Additionally, the massive 60 kg warhead of AIM-54 and 20m proxy radius make fatal splash hits possible even while flying below 60m.


Pheonix will only hit you if you do not maneuver.


this update would be fine if they simply didnt make multipathing worthless, before this the files said 100 meters when realistically it was closer to 50 and now the files say 60 when it is realistically closer to 30 but missiles will just proxy fuze and kill you half the time nontheless. i can only truly believe that the people who support this change have severe stockholm syndrome or some sunk cost fallacy going on