I could care less about how the F-14 will perform, its a shit plane as is. However, in an uptier it will be even less viable.
What planes does the F-14 face that don’t have countermeasures or RWR?
Its a starfighter, already a shit plane. You can’t chaff missiles like they’re flares with IR missiles. You need to crank and notch. I don’t know what to tell you.
Su-27 does but, in some cases, such as the MiG-23 except MiG-23MLD, the RWR doesn’t ping from PD radar locking.
yeah very easy to do with the missile being 4km out and rapidly approaching, especially with it coming in from 12 o’clock there’s no way you can notch it in time, chaff also has a tendency to just not work >50% of the time
believe it or not but loads of non-american planes at those BR’s only have a very rudimentary RWR that basically only tells you that you are being locked but not from where, with some planes not even having a RWR at all
why not? you can sling your Fox-3’s and RTB like everyone else
bold of you to assume people will even get into heatseeker range nowadays, it’s all radar missiles
ok nevermind you are actually delusional there’s no point arguing with you, stereotypical US main
You would rather blame it on straighter and dozens of other planes being shitty than admitting the obvious fact that F-14 is just to OP at where it is currently positioned like a typical delusional US main you are
When you put yourself into a situation you don’t have time to counter a missile, why should you be upset you couldn’t counter the missile?
Of which the F-14A has radar missiles that just can’t compete with AIM-120s, R-77s, MICAs, PL-12s, or any such top tier radar missiles. The F-14B shouldn’t be above 12.3.
Because I have to get in range to use my own missiles…?
Which just happen to be… IR ONLY MISSILES
Moreover, throughout the whole 10.7-11.0 BR range there are virtually no planes which have the RWR advanced enough to tell the difference between being pinged on some random radar in a search mode and being locked on by AIM-54, theses are all just shitty planes I guess.
This just isn’t an argument anymore, you refuse to listen to reason lmao
This just doesn’t work in top tier anymore. Tell me you don’t play top tier without telling me you don’t play top tier.
wow the missile suddenly appearing at 4km out headon is totally my fault and a skill issue, at last i truly see
F-14 gameplay is very skilled and balanced after all, having to press those buttons to launch your missiles at 40km out then RTB
As one one F-14A player, moving up to 12.0BR with current loadout is questionable.
I would like to see F-14A goes 12.0BR and F-14B 12.3BR but, need better IR AAMs.
When are we getting Draken with ground-based radar is my question tbh.
and how can you theoretically gain a chance to counter the missile earlier without having any information about it flying towards you?
the F-14 should get 9L’s anyways since it carried them IRL, i never understood their artificial nerf
I said the F-104 is bad.
Well uhh, that sucks. I guess ask for a hard cutoff before radar missiles are introduced in BR i guess? This situation needs decompression, not just an uptier for the F-14 tbh.
If you can’t see the contrails of an F-14 in the sky launching Aim-54s that is your own fault. It’s plain as day to see them so you know that you are in danger of attack.
You complained about ARH missiles and multipathing when SARH also benefit from the change. It does have something to do with it because you see many more SARH missiles than you would Aim-54s from the F-14s.
No, the multipath changes makes the F-14 extremely competitive at 11.7 and 12.0 without a doubt, a new weapons loadout isn’t necessary whatsoever. Bumping it up by 12.0 and 12.3 wouldn’t cause any harm and with what I’ve seen so far it shouldn’t struggle.
Yeah slight issue…
The first radar missiles appear at 8.3.