I would need to see a replay, but it was probably fired when you were In motion. IOG probably would keep the missile nearly on track when you stopped and probably impacted near the front of your aircraft because that is where it predicted you would be
I have no idea. But it’s not alone at least. Typhoons radar doesn’t see targets 9/10 times and is just as poor as the Su-27s radar in that respect.
Yeah, nothing wrong with that. I spent most of 2023 doing mostly PvE because the tornado F3 had no hope against the Mig29
Multipathing doesnt make you invisible below a certain alt. But confuses the targetting in the terminal phase.
Think of the ground like a mirror, and as the missile approaches, it confuses you with the reflection and goes for that reflection. If you are flying too close to the ground, then you and the reflection are in basically the same place and with the large warhead on the Aim-54/F-90, It will kill you.
Likewise if the missile is fired from a steep enough angle, even if its tracking the reflection, it will hit you on the way.
So assuming it had a clear LoS the entire time. Sitting in a canyon doesnt necessarily provide all that much protection
Im of the opinion it needs to be tuned down. Better map design sure, but most of the time I can sit way below 60m without much effort. Its annoying when missiles are rendered unusable because of a targets alt. In something like the FGR2, the target needs to be below 33m IRL for there to be an issue and only because of the prox fuse not MP
Only problem I have with that is People just climb and spam it just encourage spam missling. Like just spamming Aim 120s and their premium jets and it’s massively annoying.
Spamming missiles liek that is imo. a symptom of bad map design rather than any meaningful gameplay problem. Everyone taking off from the same point, and then flying in straight lines towards where the entire enemy team just took off from and is doing the same towards your spawn is naturally the perfect environment for that kind of spam.
Spread the battle out a little and Spam becomes heavily mitigated.
Also, 99% of the time. Thsoe spams hit because the person didnt defend and was likely zerg rushing a base and firing down on a target heavily mitigates MP anyway. So further reductions in MP height would have the greatest impact with the 12.0 ish SARH slingers and not the 13.0+ ARH slingers imo
Yep, that would be good. But larger maps would allow for greater height to be used. Part of the reason why I feel ground hugging is sometimes needed is because you have no time to defend and MP is good for defending against a dozen people firing at you. So smaller teams and or bigger maps and the need for any form of MP goes away
Just sprinkle in my own opinion. The MP height is fine right now, though I’d primarily tune down the splash damage that missiles do when hitting the ground near the plane. I get that proxy works how it works but sometimes the missile will impact 30 meters or more below and still knock out planes. It feels highly annoying when one tries to close the distance in a plane with no BVR capabilities.
A lot of people have reported ongoing RWR issues, so, I wouldn’t discount that bug/issue being the cause of that. As for everything else. Would need to see a replay
The only ones who complain about that are rookie players. , Those who play a long time ago. I never heard them complain about the multipath at 60 meters, so I think it is a problem the skill issue
We had a lot of time “years” playing with the multipath 100 meters and was boring towards the useless radar missiles and now that Maso works less do you want to reverse it? Learn to play