Multi path height

you almost don’t play sim at all

So what else would you mean?

I have been playing a lot of sim lately actually…

ok fair enough…

wi´th your statcard and the flood of RB players littering this thread i might have gotten trigger happy

There will be slight increase of new sim players comming from RB a lot as DCS is slowly dying or rather they are fed up with eagle dynamics. Now that enigma focuses more on other games of which one is WT and namely sims, promoting it on his discord, it could push numbers up a bit. Bunch of us are already pushing more into sims, in last 2-3 weeks, i spent more time in WT sims than in DCS last few months.

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I somewhat doubt that.

I don’t think there is too much overlap between RB and DCS. I agree that the current fiasko at eagle dynamics will bring players to WT SB. I just don’t think too many of them are playing WT already.

Now when ppl cant just fly directly front… they complaining about everythin

haha no, wt sim is trash in comparison to any real flight sim’s gamemodes.

Still better… than WT air rb… not an achievement

I don’t agree honestly.

I don’t agree with him either. Warthunder doesn’t keep things very true to life to start with and Sim doesn’t really do much more to make it that way. It is basically just RB with forced controls and forced perspective, not that mouse joystick/keyboard and mouse is hard to use if you don’t have a HOTAS.

The map even has neat little indicators on it, I must haved missed them on my maps when I did Land Nav in the military. Sim is sort of RB+ instead of an actual Sim like DCS in my opinion.

Global warming shifting the sea height and finally drowning some countries i guess. But i agree that its kinda bullshit you can fly on a road like 3meters of the ground in between a forest and some FOX3s will still perfectly track you. Yeah sure buddy ignore the solid wall of trees that your seeker sees.

And no markers, and enduring confrontation

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Yea, neither are really worth mentioning in the same thread discussing multipathing to me, especially when those markers aren’t seen in RB at BVR range. IFF and long range radars are the markers. Granted you can’t spot planes for teammates, if there are enough planes in the game to report to a teammate.

Enduring Confrontation is substatially better than basically every multiplayer in DCS. The only ones that are comparable are Enigma’s and others using his as a base. And guess what? They are just essentially a persistent version of enduring confrontation.

My problem with the gamemode stem from things wrong with it in a meta and background way, not a direct way.

Still miles behind the good old aces high mission design.

The only good flight sim game mode i ever plyed was DiD Ef2000 from 1990.

Then Typhone also by DiD but its not a sim any more. :-( it had good before mission design. Like magment of pilots.

Then comes WT Sim EC but its borderline mid to bad.

Everything else is utter trash, especialy DCS. Dont get me startet on base DCS. A 1990´s air sim has mor einteraction with the airplane with missions then DCS from the 2010
Before that it was Lock on moderan aircombat and then flaming cliffs all crap.

In EF2000 you got a full dynamic campain, you select your sortys your gear. Every campaina nd mission is diffrent. Not even DCS has that. A 1990 sim outshining DCS. DCS is simply build for singelplayer missions.

I wish WT sim had this as evoltion of EC for sim. Where sortys are generated with top cover by AI or as a mission geranted for players instead of the openworld exploration thing where you can do what ever you want. Ground AI sould win the war not the players ending the missions.

But that is a whole other layer and discussion for it self. How to evolve EC in to somthing bigger and better.

You should look at Falcon 4 BMS if you havent yet. Sounds right up your alley. Unfortunately i think a dynamic campaign is a bit beyond the scope of WT, especially with map size constraints

I know about free falcon too. There you get all the goodys not just F16´s.

But in WT scope the map sizes needs to be made bigger and the UI overworked. Everthing else is in the code already. You could make it work. In WT. It would be holerius to outshine DCS and oder Sims.