Move Wyvern S4 to 4.7 5.0 or 5.3. PLEASE

Sorry, this may not be about Wyvern but rather La 11… I know it is off topic but I was trying to say a vehicle with slower speed, base spawn and similar fire power is sitting in 5.3, that is not accounting the lack of bomb loadouts in comparison of wyvern. I also expressed that it carries same loadout whilst being much faster than B25, with higher firepower and maneuverability, which is obviously not just worth 0.3 BR.

indeed. evrything at or below 5.0 is more or less a joke compared to wyvern.

I mean La 11 at 5.3 is a bad example, but at least shows that it is not fair for an arguably better plane to be 1 BR lower.

I find this topic rather amusing to say the least. As someone thats has owned the plane since it was a BR of 5.0, before its engine nerf ( yea it lost engine power and still hasn’t gotten it back ) I get slightly giddy seeing all the same issues people had fighting it back then resurficing.
Gj could give it back its old engine power and place it back at 5.0 and I’d be more then happy.

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Still the same. It should be 5.3.

You can only destroy wyverns if you found a player who was scissoring or turnfighring instead of BnZ- ing with it.