Move Wyvern S4 to 4.7 5.0 or 5.3. PLEASE

Yeah true. Though thats because they broke Red Tops and wont fix them or buff them.

At a minimum they could have double their current range and be more effective in side aspect. But they should in fact be essentially all-aspect (all based upon submitted and acknowledged bug reports with primary sources). Thats ontop of them sometimes just straight up missing easy shots well within range.

Fix that, many players, myself included, would probably play the Lightning so much more (yes I would expect a smal BR increase will all-aspect Red Tops)

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Somehow Gaijin can’t code separate GRB BR’s to allieviate ARB’s unfun BR’s.


So many balancing issues could be fixed in an instant if they simply had seperate BRs.


Well it needs to before it starts destroying 4.3 Ground line ups to appease people in a separate game. Another Gaijin foul up at the base level

show me a 10.0 jet that can catch f104…

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Even bricks can work if flown well - as for the BR it matters not - you don’t pay attention, even bricks from 5km out will get you.

So 9.0 should suffer while you can just run from everything? At least up there better missiles can catch you so you get to feel what the rest of us feel.

Well, its coming, lets hope they dont screw it up

Based on that fact said it’s only for some attack aircraft, I’m thinking it will be limited to high tiers only.

Yeah, not all will get different BRs, for example A-10s and Su-25Ks arent going to go anywhere with their current loadouts but aircraft like the jaguars and Tornados can come down. That being said, I dont think its limited to just high tier.

Im hoping stuff like the Lancasters can come down a little bit, also its means that aircraft, to keep it on topic, like the Wyvern could move up in ARB without being nerfed into the ground for ground or naval. I reckon 3/4 of ground attackers/bombers could move but 1/4 cant due to compression issues.

Not too mention it opens the door for aircraft we dont even have yet. A bomber mosquitto (no guns) could be Br 2 or 3 in ARB, but the 4k Cookie would be OP in GRB and force a BR of like 4 or 5. With seperate BRs it doesnt matter

And what about Fighters that are perfect as Attackers? From their own terminology Fighters (and sometimes Interceptors and Bombers) will not be effected, only those they deemed as “Strike/Attackers”, which is often just a Gaijin decision.

I’m still pretty they’re going only to apply it to high tiers. I honestly see them using this as an excuse to add more advanced CAS load outs that they’ve been holding back.

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Hopefully the separate BR for ARB and GRB will sort the Wythern out as it is fine at 4.3 GRB and much needed for the UK in what is a sad set up in many ways for ground forces.
Good CAS makes the UK vaguely enjoyable.

I think SPAA and needs similar treatment as well but the is another topic.


Both Typhoons are superior due to versatility (Non-premium is better and access to some cool skins if you like that; I do) Of course Wyvern gets 1 extra singular bomb drop and mk Vs, but Typhoon can dog fight at low alt and overall more manoeuvrable (good for GF alts and getting load on target).

Wyvern in GF in theory would go up due to bomb load, but we have no idea which metrics Gaijjn will use as “successful” (as most players use vehicles poprly) so we won’t know yet. And in theory as noted above the “target audience” might be the more modern jets. The Wyvern however is just another vehicle that performs better due to being left unchecked; as we know people’s attitudes vary wildly on such a subject.

GB has a lot to offer in Air in GF at this BR, just never going to match US or RU (Germany have great superiority fighters but most planes do not excel at low alts).

The SPAA is also “existing” at this BR, a lot in fact. But just like a plane as air defence there is a learning curve. But then GB get a lot bunched tigether and hit a gap before Falcon/Marksman, so maybe 5.7+ GB needed an option or two (many Nations in same boat).

This topic however is more geared to its use in ARB where it is literally spammed, until we find out the reality of Gaijin’s attempts to split BRs per mode.


Wyverns and XP-50s are the bane of War Thunder.

Wyverns are better than many fighters of the period (being post a war aircraft) because of their supreme speed.

XP-50s because they get an interceptor start.

Okay, you want something for buying a premium, but if you come up against a team of “can do anything” Wyverns/Xp50s, then you are likely to lose. Should Gaijin allow players to buy their way to victory? I was once unlucky enough to come up against a team entirely of Wyverns & XP50s. Can you guess what happened?

Not gunna disagree with this but…

Its the same speed of the same BR spitfire and actually slower than the Typhoon.

In my opinion, neither the Xp-50 or Wyvern are actually all that OP on their own. They just have air spawn when they dont need it. Remove that, then they are perfectly balanced for their BRs.

The wyvern isnt better than any fighter at its br its better at killing idiots who sit AFK climbing at the start or try to chase it in a climb and stall themselves out.
The only thing the wyvern has going for it in ARB is its speed at sea level being around 600-630kph since you aren’t ever going to maintain that 650kph absolute which means if you’re sitting above a wyvern you can really easily dive on one and temporarily outspeed it enough to force them to attempt defensive flying or chance running away, any hard turns the wyvern makes will kill its speed and its acceleration is only really good at low speeds.


I’m tired how wyverns were abused as super prop fighters with airspawn. Not a single game without a horde wyverns farming enemy strike aircraft (true strike aircraft…) or bombers.

They could at least re-classify it as fighter, to remove this airspawn.


Wyvern needs a buff

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Reclass no, kinda hoping they do something with that in the future, but could just remove air spawn. XP-50s too

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