Most of F111A's payload options are pointless since you'll never use them

Strange i remember a time where Bombers could Start a match in the AIR and actually have a chance to bomb… I wonder what happened

That different vehicles are good or bad or outright unusable depending on game mode is nothing new. And yes, Sim is in many regards much more forgiving in a lot of aspects, and that especially concerns aspects that play an important role for attackers and bombers.

(Note: talking about high tier only)

I think one of the explanations is simply that with missiles engagement ranges have changed, making it more difficult for bombers to get to a target without being in an anti-bomber bubble.

Then with the increased capabilities to engage and kill ground targets also for not specialized aircraft, more types can (and will) engage ground targets.

And finally speed changed, making matches in the relatively small maps more fast paced.

Combine all those, and immediately it’s clear why attackers and bombers have a harder stand in high tier RB matches.

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So then explain to me why you would remove the Air Spawn, from Massive Slow Flying planes at high tier, when their are jets with Radar missiles that would quite literally lock on to the bomber from 50 km out?

Top tier matches are some of the biggest maps in the game, and strike fighters and bombers a vast majority cant even go super sonic are going up against planes going Mach 1.5 at, You can’t even reach Your own friendly bomber bases before an enemy fighter is attacking you.

Sm mode where you can’t even see the bases? Sim mode where SPAA tanks seem to be able to lock onto my plane when im spamming chaff counter measures? Sim Mode where Air Fields Base AA will blow up my plane before i even get with in range to bomb?

@sartt I think I did not make myself clear.

I never mentioned removing air spawn, and yes, the speed difference is of course affecting aircraft and their effectiveness as well. Not so much for the F-111 though…

As to Sim mode, yes, the mode where you have to work a bit harder to find and engage bases and targets, where opposition form the ground is relevant instead of laughable, but where you can overcome those issues by using mindful tactics.

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So the part where chaff doesn’t work, or the part where you can’t see the bases without going super slow? You can’t use the Base bombing target commands because nothing on the map indicators the base designation number. I also don’t know why you would type " mindful tactics " Play the F111A in air sim. Its a giant target that gets blown up by AA / even A.I Planes.

cant see anything

Imagine trying to bomb bases, that are literally near enemy Airfields.


Those airvrafts are not useless,… they’re simply and mostly played without a brain

Let me explain:

There is 3 ways to play an aircraft in War Thunder:
→ going for intented purpose of aircraft:
Simple to understand.

→ going opposite to what it was mainly designed for:
Attacker going for Fighters
Fighters going for bombing

This is something possible for everyone, it’s just going to be harder, as you didn’t choose the right horse to do so.

→ Trolling, doing completely what you shouldn’t do:
Bomber chasing fighters for exemple.
→ this is what only god players are able to do

Now, through all those type of playing, there is the quality of doing so:
→ ensuring your survivability over the objective
Can be seen as playing shy, you’ll often end up at the end of the game with 5/6 people chasing you, the left poor soul → mainly new players, whose just get hit by repaircost, and try to not loose the plane to make money.

→ changing objective depending on the situation
The most brilliant, yet requiring a lot of skills experience and knowledge → that’s what does approx. 5% of players in the game.

→ chasing first ennemy/objective then proceed with the following one:
That’s about 60% of players in this game

→ going only for the objective, uncaring about survivability:
Exemple Bombing aircraft not even caring when an aircraft goes in their 6 o’clock within 2km range, being unaware of an incoming missile (even works with AIM-9B R-3S missiles, and easy to do)

Those players are the one we need to get ride of, because they expect being good, while doing nothing → this is a game, yet you do everything you shouldn’t
→ that’s about you and 34% others players of the game


Skill issue,…

You have like 10 ways to do it while being safe,…


You literally have 6
battles in Simulator at top tier, and you are talking about skill, your input is invalid and worthless.

Then look at my records. Atm I play Sim EC almost exclusively, and play mostly bombers or attackers. I have no issues finding and engaging targets, and survive most of the attack runs on bases, even if defended.

I find it really is a skill thing, and yes, it needs work and tactics, as I said before.


not you the other guy. everytime i look up peoples stats when they say " skill issue " at top tier and their total RP score is a whopping " 5,940 " points i ignore what they say.

This is the guy trying to tell me its a skill issue at top tier air sim.

yeah i saw it, the A-10 kills are impressive :) Now fly the F111A :) and watch how you can’t see anything :D I find it really easy to use the F105D

Nah, I waited with it because CCRP was not usable. I haven’t tested yet, but the change logs for todays patch mentioned working CCRP for F-4E and F-111, so I hope there’s an improvement there.

It’s one of the personal test points I’ve set for me once I download the patch (along with Hunter Mk.58 improvements).

Many aircraft really struggle with this as there’s currently no way to indicate the CCRP in their sight/HUD, which is really one of the major gripes I have with WT atm…

Btw, check out this: WT Live // Location by Schindibee (

(shameless little self advertisment, haha)

I mean: you seems to think the airfield is entirely defending the place → it is not,…

Being Sim Arcade or Realistic such kind of target are just for people using a brain,… therefore you do have a skill issue.

Most bombing players tends to fly straight to target → this is true in ANY Modes

Therefore my stats in SB are irrelevant to bring up, as you seemed to say that this base is unreachable.

High altitude solutions (let’s say over 5000m)
1st solution (from South)-> Airfield SPAAG/SPAAM doesn’t fire to target over 5km for guns / 6km for SAM.

2nd 3rd and 4th (from east west and North)-> you can literally, turn around the threat, to avoid taking off aircrafts to sight you at takeoff and hunt you down

5th solution using your altitude and speed to “Toss your bomb over the threat to reach target”

Low alitude solutions (under 5km altitude)
6th SPAAG and SPAAM are defeatable, in every modes → you can still force your way through.

7th 8th and 9th → same as 2nd 3rd and 4th, but lower altitude

10th solutions same as 5th from lower altitude.

==> 10 solutions,… whatever the mode you play, it’s just harder in Sim

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Yes. Speed is also of importance, especially combined with aspect.

I’d say if the air defense is in your 2h-5h and 7h-10h sectors and you’re fast, even getting quite close to the SPAAG and SAMs around airfields they will not be able to get you, no matter if high or low.

Did this a lot with the Tornado, and would guess the F-111 be very good a this too…

the air fields fire missiles at you at top tier.