Mitsubishi F-4EJ Kai

We would need to find the sources to these books first but its starting to look more and more plausible almost our very own F-4F ICE🤣


F-4EJ Super Kai = )


Sadly, I think this description of AAM-4 is very likely a typographical error of AAM-3.

but there is also this which also mentions some kind of test of AAM-4 but who knows i guess

not sure if these 2 come from the same book or seperate

I’m sure if there is a photo of EJ Kai equipped with AAM-4.

From dev server AIM-7F lock range 55 km from F-20A but AIM-7F on F-4EJ KAI not change ?

I don’t feel worried F-4EJ KAI up to 12.0 or 12.3 BR but hope gaijin increase lock range AIM-7F same AIM-7F from F-20A & F-14A Early of major update “Alpha Strike” before update to live server

the ADTW squadron Phantoms are often modified to use more modern equipment or air to ground weaponry.

here’s a picture I could find where an F-4EJ Kai is flying with an AAM-4 in the weaponbay.

it also carried AAM-3’s

That’s not the AAM-4 pic. There is no pic of it. It’s mentioned in an excerpt that is next to the picture, but there is a true caption referring to that pic, so it got misinterpreted.


It’s AIM-7

AAM-3 was added for all Phatnom Kai, not only ADTW


I don’t think that missile is a sparrow due to the color markings being different
It looks more akin to a AAM-4

I believe it is an AIM-7. First off, the color scheme matches low-vis AIM-7F or AIM-7M rather well, with a grey body, white seeker, and darker fins. In addition to that the fins appear to be triangular, with the one at the rare being notably smaller than the centrally mounted one, which matches the layout of the AIM-7.

On top of that I don’t believe it matches the color scheme of the AAM-4. Whenever I see images of live AAM-4 they seem to be fully white, with black fins, as the AAM-4 seen in the image you provided.

I’ve only ever seen the low-vis colors on the AAM-4B, such as the one on the second image you provided (as well as the current in game model, which resembles the AAM-4B)

I could be wrong about the AAM-4 colors though, as that could just as easily have been a coincidence.

I want gaijin change armament on F-4EJ KAI in dev server Major Update “Seek & Destroy”

  • AIM-9P x2 stock replace by AIM-9L
  • AIM-7M Sparrow & AAM-3 swap AIM-9P x4 & AIM-7E x4
  • Increase lock range AIM-7F to 80 km
  • Decompress max BR to 12.0 or 12.3

AAM-2 is all aspect… JDAM :D
we will have JDAM in the next update, why not F4EJ Kai?
(and AAM3)

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F-4EJ Kai is not able to use JDAMs, this was reported on the DevServer when we got it.

The lack of AAM-3 has been reported and acknowledged, seems to be a balance decision however. Maybe we can still get a F-4EJ Kai ADTW with AAM-3, MAWS and some other (experimental) armament options in the future.


F-4EJ改 HUD from JAFM05-92-5





sad then

I find their excuse quite lacking, the F-4EJ kai would do quite fine with AAM-3’s, just put it at a slightly higher br like 12.7 / 13.0, it handles itself quite fine against planes that are 13.7,

F-4EJ Kai with ASM-2 missiles


i can tell you : you don’t want this to happen : german’s are forced to do it with thier F-4F KWS, and it’s playbale thank to the godly modeled AIM-120.

F-4EJ Kai, with AAM-3 would not gain much more capabilities, and will be destroyed from afar.