Mitsubishi F-4EJ Kai ADTW - The Super Kai Phantom

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Mitsubishi F-4EJ Kai ADTW - The Super Kai Phantom

Hi and welcome to my 60st, which is about the F-4EJ Kai ADTW, and I honestly have to admit that I just find the state of the F-4EJ Kai in the game really sad, there are a quite some things missing and even the X-Ray model of the radar is (was for a long time) wrong, with that being said, I hope you like my idea to introduce new and better TT variant, which fits the high BRs a lot better than the current and hopefully wouldn’t lack its features. :popcorn:

image - 500ib GCS-1

Background History

On September 6, 1977, a significant event occurred at the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) Chitose Air Base. An unknown aircraft, later identified as a MiG-25, entered Japanese airspace and eventually landed at the civilian Hakodate Airport without being intercepted by the JASDF. This led to the procurement of an airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft and the decision to use the first F-X program to replace the F-104J and complement the F-4EJ.
The F-4EJ proved inadequate for such interception maneuvers, so a modernization program was initiated. In 1984, the first F-4EJ Kai was built. This version received a new AN/APG-66J radar that improved capabilities and reduced weight over its predecessor (AN/APG-120), as well as numerous other systems such as HOTAS, Kaiser HUD, J/AYK-1 F-15J central computer, AN/APX-76A IFF, J/ASN-4 INS, AN/ALE-40 decoy launcher and J/APR-6 RWR. The F-4EJ Kai could use modern weapons and was considered equivalent to fourth generation fighters.

grafik - AN/APG-66J

Of the 100 planned upgrades, 90 F-4EJs were eventually brought up to F-4EJ Kai standard and entered service in 1989, with the 8th TFS, 301st TFS, 302nd TFS and 306th TFS squadrons. As an additional unit, the F-4EJ Kai was also deployed to the Air Development and Test Wing (ADTW), for development and testing of possible future equipment. As of May 2019, the 301st Tactical Fighter Wing remains the only unit still equipped with the F-4EJ Kai - but retired during December 2020.

grafik - XGCS-2

Armament of the F-4EJ Kai ADTW(s)

Since it is an ADTW, experimental armament can also be found, otherwise the armament of the normal F-4EJ Kai is identical. As experimental armament, of which there are no serial examples on the F-4EJ Kai, there are the XGCS-2 and XAAM-4 (which was limited to 20G, increased to 25G in (pre-) production).
The (X)AAM-4 is the prototype version of the first AAM-4, which, according to isolated reports, was also tested by two F-4EJ Kai of the ADTW squadron at least twice between 1997 and 2004 (XAAM-4’s seeker with 07-8431 and later a pre-series version fired from 37-8308); since the AAM-4 is based on the AIM-7s body, it doesn’t require any special modifications to the suspension of the airframe. Unfortunately, no pictures or official informations have emerged to this day, which is not surprising given the secrecy of the (X)AAM-4 project at the time and still remaining highly effective OPSEC, but there are also barely pictures of 37-8308, even until the F-4EJ (Kai) was decommissioned in 2021. If new information emerges, I will let you know and update the suggestion if necessary.
An “F-4EJ Kai ADTW” with MAWS, XGCS-2, AAM-3 and (X)AAM-4 could be an ideal domestic gap filler for the Japanese air TT, as long as other nations also get +3rd / early 4th generation jets with next gen armament (which we have got anyway by now; MiG-21UPG, F-4F KWS-LV, AV-8B+, JF-17…).

grafik - 750ib GCS-1

Air-to-Air Missiles

  • 4x AIM-9P-3
  • 4x AIM-9L
  • 4x AAM-3

  • 4x AIM-7E
  • 4x AIM-7F
  • 4x AIM-7M

Guided- / Dumb-Bombs & Rockets

  • 24x Mk.82
  • 17x JM117
  • 8x CBU-87/B

  • 9x 500 lb GCS-1
  • 5x 750 lb GCS-1

  • 285x Mighty Mouse
  • 60x Zuni Mk.32

Air-to-Surface Missiles

  • 2x ASM-1 / C
  • 2x ASM-2 / B

Other / Experimental Armament

  • 3x GAU-4
  • 1x AN/ALQ-131

  • 4x XAAM-4*
  • 2-?x XGCS-2

grafik - SAGEM’s DDM MAWS

Specifications, Electronics and Internal

  • Crew: 2
  • Length: 19,2 m
  • Wingspan: 11,7 m
  • Height: 5 m
  • Max. takeoff weight: 28.030 kg
  • Powerplant: 2x Ishikawajima-Harima J79-IHI-17A
    • Dry thrust: 2 × 52 kN
    • Afterburner thrust: 2 × 80 kN
  • Maximum speed: 2340 km/h
  • Service ceiling: 18.288 m
  • Rate of climb: 172 m/s
  • Maximum g-load: +9g / -3g

Thanks for your time, hope you liked it :salute:
[Will add more if there are some (more) important / declassified things]
[PM or comment if a Link or Picture isn´t working]



F-4EJ改実用試験: ミサイル開発
F-4EJ改実用試験: ミサイル開発
JASDF F-4EJ Phantoms - MilitaryLeak.COM
F-4EJ改と第四世代機のウェポンシステム(空自の日本防空史62)【読者投稿】 : 軍事系まとめブログ
F-4EJ改のアビオニクス(空自の日本防空史63)【読者投稿】 : 軍事系まとめブログ
F-4 (戦闘機) - Wikipedia

Books / Other:
Military Aircraft of JASDF: F-4 Phantom II - JWings Magazine (2010)
Air Force Magazine - The Air Force Association (July 1997)
Weapons of War: Fighter Jets Inside & Out - Jim Winchester (2012)
イラスト入りイラス ト 自衛隊 河津幸秀著 (2010)
Secrets of JSDF Military Aircraft - PHP - Seki Kentaro (2015)
Jane’s All The Worlds Aircraft (1991-92)
Sagem Défense Sécurité - SAMIR DDM MWS Brochure


Yes! +1


This would be awesome! With MAWs and prototype fox-3s, this could be the ultimate phantom (for in game purposes)!


Japanese ICE, heck yeah!


+1 hopefully the in-game phantoms get fixed


Thats The Idea GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


Hey, just found something pretty cool! One of the EJ Kai’s assigned to the ADTW, 57-8357, was seen equipped with what looked to be an IRST pod back in October of 2019, one year after one of the F-2A’s from the ADTW was seen equipped with an IRST pod. Sadly there isn’t any great deal of information about this seeming IRST pod, but it looks neat nonetheless, and if anybody can find any further information about it so Ares can add it to the suggestion, I would greatly appreciate it!


That’s just an ASM-2 seeker pod. The ASM-2 seeker is IR based, but it was mainly used for testing of the missile and simulations of attack runs.


Ahhh, dang. Still fascinating though. Would be nice to have ASM-2’s in game and just lob em at ground targets maverick style. Still a +1 on the suggestion overall from me tho.


+1, would be a great addition to Japan, as well as bringing probably the best Phantom to the game


would be nice to see with aam4’s fitted to it


Given that the ASM-2 is IR based, it could easily be added to the game as a Japanese Kh-38 equivalent. With MAWS, XAAM-4, AAM-3, GCS-1, & ASM-2, this plane would be excellent in GRB, providing some much needed longer range & indigenous CAS + CAP


+1 but, from its historical back ground, it should be event or premium.

Would be great multirole for JASDF(in game), while JASDF(in game) have only unguided and Mavericks

Small update regarding XAAM-4; Thanks to recent research, we have reason to believe that the XAAM-4 was limited to 20G maximum load, which was later increased to 25G in (pre-) production.
This means that even if the AAM-4 will be fixed (reports) and thus probably harder to balance in relation to this Aircraft, the XAAM-4 will still be more likely to correspond to a currently estimated BR of ~13.0.


not bad but i think after some other jets cuz japan already have a f-4ej

Considering the only major jets left are the F-2 (multiple variants), F-35, and multiple F-15Js, having a 3rd, “super” phantom with the best possible ordinance and systems to round off the tech tree and help provide CAS/CAP for the tree sounds like a good idea to me.


Speaking of CAS, I wonder if the JAQ-1 could be used as a pseudo targeting pod for the EJ Kai ADTW (considering the ordinance does not need a laser designator), as it would be nice to have a more proper TGP display. This would of course sacrifice some ordinance but give you an option for longer range targeting. It also could be useful for IFF / A2A targeting in sim.




Just give it AAM-4 and it would be like ICE

It some joke or something, Super Kai with 130+ votes can’t get “passed” but F4U “Death Whistle” with 50+ get