Mitsubishi F-2

Hey I’m interested in the discord.
PM me if needed!

500lb bombs and AIM-9L


UPDATE Suggestions now open!
Added F-2A late suggestion
Added F-2B suggestion
Added F-2B R2-D2 suggestion


One more F-2 suggestion sometime this week, cuz I work on something, but too early to talk about it ))))

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The sooner we get to BR 13.0 aircraft the sooner we can have this baby.


Yes! though curious if we might see an XF-2A or early F-2 with sparrows by at least next year?

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That’s still an AESA radar so eh… probably not.
BUT, F-2 will be the first AESA radar aircraft in-game so… a lot to look forward to.

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*Added F-2A early suggestion


@Fireraid233 F-2A Early no integrated infrared AAM-5 & active radar homing AAM-4. Is it true ?

And J/AAQ-2 FLIR pod. it’s targeting pod ?





Its true.

J/AAQ-2 is a FLIR pod, no targeting pod.

I think it’s good because gaijin might not ready modern all-aspect IR AAM-5 & ARH AAM-4 this year

J/AAQ-2 FLIR pod look alike LANTIRN AN/AAQ-13 navigation pod

Not even a next year thing in regards to AAM-5.

Are you sure modern IR AAM AAM-5 and ARH BVRAAM AAM-4 gaijin consider this year ?

As I said in my previous statement, modern IRCCM missiles are not a this year thing.
We’d be lucky to see R-73A on a 12.3 Mig-29.

You guess BVRAAM AAM-4 basic coming to 2023 or 2024

AAM-4 should come with AMRAAM C, PL-12, etc.*

The asterisk being on heavy platforms.
F-2 will likely have it when it releases.
I wish I could accurately guess F-2’s BR. I just know it’s gonna be at least 13.0.

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So I hope F-2A late with IR AAM AAM-5 & BVRAAM AAM-4/AAM-4B and 13.3 battle rating in rank IX

We cannot accurately estimate AAM-5 BRs currently.
F-2 at 13.0 for example would be without AAM-5 at the least.
And it’ll depend on how effective the ARHs do on whether or not they’re more powerful than expected.
And there’s no hint at a rank 9 currently. If rank 9 happens, it’d probably be gen 5 stuff.

You sure 4+ gen & 4++ gen fighter aircraft could at rank 8 like 4th gen fighter aircraft ?

I’m not sure about this. Why is that ?
