Mitsubishi F-15J

This sheet has the datamined info of the current ARHs, looks like the AIM-120C-5 was added at some point.


Guided weaponry data (in-game values) Honorable mention for Jaek_ for making amazing videos on missile on YouTube If you want to reach enlightment, then you have to spade the Italian heli line, no talisman/ premium/ boosters - Google Spreadsheets

“slightly better aim-120” its exactly the same but 5g better G load lol

It is currently better in a few aspects as it performs like the AIM-120C-5:

Much better overall Total ΔV: [m/s]
AIM-120A - 869
AAM4 - 926.8

Better Maximum fin angle of attack: [degrees]
AIM-120A - 33.2
AAM4 - 36

Higher Max G-load
AIM-120A - 35g
AAM4 - 40gs

All missiles bar the R-77-1 and AIM-54s currently have the same max flight range of up to 80kms.

No one noticed? The new F15J in the game not only has a darker paint color, it also has a darker radome, which is unnatural.You can find many different colors of F15J radomes, but none of them are as black as the ones in the game.Also, I don’t think muzzle carbon is a good idea, it doesn’t do anything to enhance the look, it looks more like it’s been burned than gunpowder residue.
Black radome↑

White or light gray radome↑

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Yea it looks strange. I did put in a suggestion to remove the squadron emblem from default paint or provide an alternative that’s plain for GE.

I found pictures of the actual plane they referenced and it’s not that dark either. I feel like waiting for the next dev server update till we at least have a cockpit.

I do hope this time we get good GE skin options unlike last time where we had to wait for marketplace ones.


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Sorry, I’m an outsider to photography, but I know that photographers can adjust the parameters to get different color effects, which may explain gaijin’s choice of photos to make F15J Kai so dark, but it doesn’t mean that it’s the real color.

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Wouldn’t say its fair to judge my response from the very limited information we had before dev server :P

It still acts very similarly to how aim120a does, it also likes to wiggle around a bit and loses energy very quickly. Hard to get any kill >10km at any speed or altitude. It still needs a lot of work and the numbers still seem very off what they should be.

Does anyone have sources regarding the weight of the upcoming F-15J “Kai”?

Shouldn’t we figure out what that frankenjet “kai” is first?

(reposting this old post about F-15J and AIM-120s, wish i could help more but simply don’t have much time anymore)

"Yeah F-15Js shouldn’t really have any difficulties using AMRAAMS they should also be able to use them on the wing rail launchers since they have been seen with lau-128s

Here is a list of items they requested back in 2015. Credit to @tanuki10 for showing it to me a while back. The list shows the procurement for LAU-128 rails"

This site shows Mod buying the parts and launchers

And some F-15Js have been spotted with lau-128



My weapons thread also shows all the possible AIM-120s they have in stock with links to the US DoD’s DSCA for them. Japanese Weapons Master Thread

needless to say there’s no reason why the F-15J “Kai” (lol) can’t use AIM-120s and a full load of up to 8.


I’m searching LAU-128 info too, by a 2006 blog post looks at least at 2006 JSDF already have LAU-128
and the picture you post I see the left wing also carry a AAM-3 with LAU-128?

and I see the issue ticket acknowledged, great.

if they can make 9M as defult missle will much better. I can’t grind this jet by two 9L, even in dev server’s 5X RB is pain

the f-15j pic loadout seems to be 2 LAU-114 (carrying AAM-3) and 2 unused LAU-128

I’d say we should write bugreport about this. Just in case they will “forget” about MAW on this plane.

might be correct could be a earlier msip version as they had only 1 J/APQ-1 and older ESM


later MSIPs received an addition J/APQ-1 alongside a new new electronic jamming device


The exact plane they used as a base in WT also only has one, as pointed out earlier :D


my bad haven’t really caught up :(


If there is a way to get them to add them to both, just for symmetry’s sake, I’m all for it, but I doubt we can make a case to Gaijin to model something extra because “it looks better” lol.

I’m honestly waiting till the next dev server update when we get a cockpit and things before I look into that. I also hope they don’t use the orange flight suit now that we’re in the modern age.

Honestly both wing pylons looks like LAU-114

Really hard to tell due to angle lau-114 is a bit pointier at the front and 128 is more rounded. dntknw

Source of pic btw
either way there’s evidence they bought the rails so they probably have them in inventory.