Mitsubishi F-2

AAM4 is a big missiles, which means a larger motor, warhead, ans seeker, all those things help. It will however be a hell of a lot heavier, but Japan wanted something compatabile with aim7 mounts. Imagine a suped up active Aim7M if you want an easy comparison.


Similar to what we have with AAM-3 compared to 9M but AAM-4 also should be stealth on RWR

I’m still doubting those claims.

Even if they were true, I don’t think Gaijin will model them. They don’t even model the UV part of AAM-3, or BTT for maneuverability.


In Japan, the following theories are often mentioned
・The AAM-4 uses 1Ghz (UHF band) for its command transmitter, guidance head, and proximity fuse, which are not in the threat library of the RWR (optimized for SHF and X-band) and therefore cannot be detected. This command is transmitted from the AAI Intellogate Antenna on AN/APG-63.
・The AAM-4 uses frequency hopping spread spectrum.

This would explain why it cannot be detected by RWR, but the problem is that there is naturally little public documentation to prove this. Mitsubishi has a patent on this, so there may be some information if you look into it.
Sources of research documents on guidance systems and special modulation schemes by TRDI.


I can already see myself opting to use the stopgap amraams over the aam4 when it gets modelled as a heavier amraam, but its still really cool to see the aam4 coming

It should be better for sniping at long range and have cool seeker features but I am not sure if we will see anything special about seeker

So now that we have the F15J (M), and the Fox 3 door being blown wide open, what version of the F2 should we get?

IMO, considering that any vehicle without Fox 3s are just gonna absolutely suffer, I’d say the F-2A variant that does have the capability to guide AAM-4s should be added. Otherwise, the non-upgraded F2 should sit just below the main Fox 3 carriers like where the F15A/J/Baz, F4F ICE, or Tornado ADV late sits.

What it brings to the table is mainly guided A2G ordinances, better IR missiles, and is mostly a sidegrade to the AJ in terms of flight performance.

F-2 is 100 percent coming this year it’s just a matter of when tbh


for me personally, i prefer the AESA F-2 with AAM-4B for CAP in RGB.
probably my biggest wet dream is denying people plaing CAS in GRB, no offence but i hate KA-52 more than anything in game right now beside the Su-25SM3, so anything to counter both of them is a must in my book.

probably if they really went with non-AESA radar, but if they gonna add AESA radar probably the next year we’ll see them.


Dont all f2s have aesa radar

All have it
Are you about F-2 prototype?

Technically all do, though an AN-APG-68 was bought for testing on an XF-2 platform in case the prototype AESA wasn’t done in time.

But even then not all F-2s can use ARH missiles, the first lack the J/ARG-1 to use AAM-4. And even those are still PD missiles unlike the AESA AAM-4B.

Should just add the j/arg-1 with aam4, then add a later one with the new radar and new top missiles, since I believe aam4b required the new radar to guide

I don’t think it did, but I can still see three different main production F-2As being added.

  • F-2A with J/APG-1 radar but no J/ARG-1, armed with AAM-3 and AIM-7M missiles
  • F-2A with J/APG-1 radar and J/ARG-1, armed with AAM-3 and AAM-4 missiles
  • F-2A with J/APG-2 radar and J/ARG-1, armed with AAM-5B and AAM-4B missiles

Maybe the second one could get AAM-5, depending on how much IR missiles will matter in the meta now. It’s easily one of the worlds best IR missiles, very similar to IRIS-T, but when those are only rarely used anyways I can see it getting them.

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Knowing gaijin AAM-5 will be close to current R-73 performance and 5B being the “IRIS-T” equivalent for Japan.


I don’t want to say the F-2 is inevitable this year since Thai sub-tree is a perfect excuse to push it further by “filling gaps” at top tier as well.

However, if they do add the F-2, at this point, I hope it’s the later version with J/ARG-1 and AAM-4. I think now the early variant with AIM-7M would be just outdated as the meta has shifted. The AESA radar is the only unknown but if they can artificially make chaff and notching stronger, I’m sure they’ll make AESA weaker. I mean look at what they did to the AAM-4 lol, why wouldn’t they just bring in something nerfed to unnerf later just to give us something.

I’m not even expecting the AAM-5 but who knows. I do also hope we get the HMD version with also sniper pod and L-JDAMs so at least ground RB is complete.


They most likely gonna gimp AESA radar in line with PESA, since the only known AESA radar from USSR is on the MiG-35 or Su-57, which i think is a leap too far since there’s more plane before the MiG-35.

Still want the AAM-4B though, screw CAS in GRB, if they can play point & click adventures, why not include CAP too 🤣


That sounds really dumb, but considering the way they handle AAM-4 I wouldn’t be too surprised.

Then again an R-73 like AAM-5 would make a BTT, IR/UV AAM-3 (which are changes Gaijin is aware of and likely will do sometime in the future) just blatantly outclass its successor.
That is assuming Gaijin models BTT as the missiles dual plane maneuverability of ~×1.4 single plane though.They might just go “it rolls now, fixed” and otherwise leave it as is.

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Surely senor refers to sensorview, and is gaijin preparing to add f2