Mirage 4000 curent placement

Haven’t read up on the thread, just replying to the original suggestion & some of the immediate replies.

I kind of don’t think the placement is bad. Coming from the experience of grinding first the Mirage 4000 and then the F-16A at 13.0 without Fox 3s, it’s just not an easy plane to get into.

That being said, it fills a very narrow niche offering specific opportunities. Fox 3 missiles have one major downside — at least in hte game — in that they are easy to negate just by ground hugging. Carrying Magic 2s, the M4K is great for punishing that exact instinct to hit the deck.

I personally think the M4K is meant to be piloted low, and if you’re taking it even 100 feet off the ground, you’re doing it wrong.

The M4K is definitely not a newbie friendly plane, and it’s the kinda vehicle that makes me wish for a difficulty indicator. I struggled and suffered a lot with it as my first top tier plane, and that kind of experience can easily put someone off playing jets at all.


i will stop responding because i am tired that you just can’t read and compare a CAS plane to a dogfighter
Do not bother to respond if you can’t read or understand
IF you can maybe give some actual reasonning behind anything yes but in any other sense it is in vain.

Thanks for calling me a “newbie”, i am just saying M4k lacks several things others plane at 13.0 have, it is meant to be piloted low but trees make it impossible and even then if you had read you would have seen that splash damage on the ground acts like a bomb and hits the plane, due to the control surfaces being so big and badly modeled the plane becomes unflyable and you just die so yea in a game out of 100 you could do 6 kills but that doesn’t mean the plane is good or performs OK.

Look, you’re looking for an insult or attack that’s just not there. I never called you a newbie, I just gave statements that I utterly believe to be true. I was a newbie when I picked it up, and I could’ve benefited from knowing that it is a niche plane (though it probably wasn’t exactly that before Seek & Destroy).

I play the top tier with three different fighters across two nations, I’ve barely got hit by the splash damage by staying low. And I mean “reach out and touch grass” kind of low.

Maybe you’re not flying low enough, maybe you pitch up or pull to the side right before the hit, or maybe you’re flying across uneven terrain where it can be hard to pull it off. Doesn’t change the fact that sticking close to the ground is a sure strategy to evade most Fox 3 missiles, especially if you guide them well enough into the ground.

I’d also disagree with calling the M4K lacking. Every vehicle out there has some strengths and benefits, and having some of the former means losing some of the latter.

Right now we have every tree becoming more and more playable, even if this comes at the cost of a little repetition here and there. While I think it’s the right direction for the game — making every tree competitive and time investment rewarding — I also think we could benefit from a little variety here and there.

Mirage 4000 is just unique, so let’s leave it at that. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to see it get equalised with the rest of the roster, turned into another Su-27 or F-15.

Bottom line, it might not do the job you want it to do, but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with the plane.

But hey, that’s just how I see it.

I was just saying the M4k lacks the most at it’s br and needs a change.
That is all.

I took that as a personnal attack because you seem to not believe me “Maybe you’re not flying low enough” also read the thread and the arguments given please, you just appear out of nowhere and starts speaking arguments that have already been said and i exposed my counter arguments to these, just read to not say again something that has already been said.

My experience with this plane is worse every time i play it, AIM120 does splash damage and kills you out of nowhere.

only healthy change for the game is decompression… because this is a compression caused issue.

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nah you aren’t experienced enough then or are missing times when this happens to you or are incredibly lucky. Splash damage doing crit hits is not uncommon when multipathing

Cas plane? Buddy what are you even talking?Neither of them are “CAS” planes, as in the literal sense of the word or by game standard while the two of them have air to ground armament they are classed as fighters, at this point youre just having a tantrum.
I said that the 13.0 f16 did not have fox 3 and YOU literally were claiming that the 13.0 f16 did had fox 1 “it just does”, i literally showed the only f16 at 13.0 and it doesnt have them… If you cannot differenciate between ADF which is at 12.7 and belgian f16A which is at 13.0. Again, i clearely state that the adf did had fox 1 while the belgian f16a which, is the only f16 at 13.0 did not, if you cant understand that simple fact then, thats your reading comprenhension at play.

I’ve used this technique with Mirage 2k and 4k, Su-27, F-16A and F-16AM over 500 hours of play the last 6 mo. The number of times you actually fail to dodge a missile is extremely low.

If it doesn’t work as reliably for you, perhaps you’re not experienced enough and doing it wrong? :|

Su-27 does not have a digital RWR.
Mirage 4000’s BR is not higher than Gripen, Su-27, F-15A, or Benelux’s F-16A. It’s the same BR which it should stay.

Mirage 4000 is one of the best platforms at 13.0.

Also if you haven’t learned how to close distance, I implore you do.


I won’t argue if you can’t read arguments

Like i said READ look up in the thread smbdy talked abt the belgian F16 that is in the game for CAS (because of the lack of AAM especially fox1’s, also notice the presence of the AAM at the center of the modifications not on the right part like almost all Fighters.
It’s incredible how you can just not read.

Did i say it has ? no i just said it is not unique.
Did i say BR was higher than gripen No, other planes NO, i am just expressing myself that is all.

maybe read carefully you won’t misinterpret

Also when you mentionned F16 at 13.0 you did not mention any plane specifically you just said F16, there is many variants and yes some like this one doesn’t have, is it the topic? no.
“Again, i clearely state that the adf did had fox 1 while the belgian f16a which”
No it wasn’t clear to me
If you can’t comprehend that i am sorry for you.

Why being so mean in the way to say it, maybe you just have luck or you are playing very defensive .

You are arguing though, you’re not arguing the points others are bringing up to you.

Why being so mean in the way to say it, maybe you just have luck or you are playing very defensive .

Not sure how responding politely to someone accusing me of being inexperienced is being “mean” to you. Somehow the person making that claim to me in the first place doesn’t strike you as mean or odd, maybe that’s because they’re arguing on your side?

See the difference?

The way something is said, depending on a player’s level or experience, can be perceived as mean or condescending

Also i did argue other points that were bringed up, i didn’t changed subject or straight up disagreed with them. idk what you are talking about

Wait, when is it getting more cms?
Was a bug report accepted?

I think this is what he is refering to more like a year since it got accepted,

My point is you’re latching on to my reply to someone being condescending to me, somehow trying to put a negative spin on it.

You haven’t replied to my points either though, right now you’re just vaguely pointing to something you may have said in the thread as the ultimate answer. If you have one, do post it here. I’ve read the thread and nothing you’ve said even remotely addresses my points. Nor those of Alvis tbh, while we’re here.