Mirage 4000 curent placement

Mirage 4000 BR needs a change, because at this current time you could face Rafale or EF2000 with the latest gen tech with a plane that is locked into ground licking and fox2 firing because of the lack of SRC PD (not SRC PD HDN), your target needs to face you and not go defensive (at this BR it is just impossible for fox3 users to not go defensive).
I still don’t get why this plane is the same BR as the F15A while having way worse air performance, technology and armements.
Why isn’t it 12.7 or some changes done to this god forsaken plane.

I like the design and the plane but it is so sad to play right now, getting a kill is such a hard task compared to FOX3 spam from others 13.0 planes.


Once again, i will say no to “this plane sucks lets compress BRs some more!”

I’d rather 13.0 be miserable than the 13.0s go down and make the entire 11.7-12.7 range miserable.

Instead the solution is moving all the 13.7/14.0 jets up, but for some reason our lord snail finds it incredibly difficult.


This plane is a unique kind tho because of it’s lack of fox1 capabilities but yeah i kinda agree at your point but the fact that it can and will always face FOX3 that DOMINATE this plane and make it scramble to the ground is just sad and limits this plane in an horrible way.

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W take. Gaijin’s strategy is to move bad planes down, instead of moving the planes oppressing them up. It’s why we have sabres at 8.0, why we have the supersonic migs and starfighters 9.3 when they used to be good at 10.0, why we have a jet at 9.3 with 4 R-60s that still sucks, and why we’ve now got Fox 1 carriers being bodied by AMRAAMs, and those 4th gen Fox 1 carriers bodying 3rd gens when their prayers for just one downtier are granted. Nothing gets to fight their peers anymore, they’re shoved into fighting jets and weapons a decade younger or older than them, and nobody gets peace.


Mirage 4000 does not need changed in BR. It has a digital RWR, 112 current countermeasures [it will be getting 224+ large caliber chaff soonish to augment those 112 countermeasures], and has great airframe performance.

Mirage 4000 should in reality be 13.3 with F-15A, Su-27, etc. And it’s fine for them to face up to 4 14.0s cause my team has 4 14.0s as well.

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Perhaps because it is simply better than all 12.7, you still have a ton of magic 2 while most 12.7 are running whith non irccm missiles.

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The fact that the Mirage 4000 has a digital Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) is not unique to it at the 13.0 BR. Many aircraft at or above this BR—such as the F-15A, Su-27, and others—also have modern or advanced digital RWR systems. This means that while the Mirage 4000 may have a digital RWR, it is not an advantage that justifies a higher BR. These systems are now standard on many of the top-tier jets in the game, and they don’t provide an exceptional edge in this context.
Also Almost all aircrafts at this BR range have an exceptional airframe performance, and they frequently excel in high-speed maneuvers and vertical combat unlike the Mirage4000.

The Mirage 4000 may have the Magic 2 at its disposal, but it is not the only aircraft at its BR with superior or comparable missile options. Aircraft like the F-4F, MiG-29G, and AV-8B Plus all offer better missile options, and in some cases, greater versatility. The Magic 2, while a solid short-range IR missile, does not give the Mirage 4000 a significant advantage over these aircraft with superior radar or IR missile systems.
And all these previous planes have HMD so it is way easier to use IR missiles, and the Mirage 4000 doesn’t so it is way harder to use.

The magic 2 are still comparable to other missiles at this br, not everething have things like the amraams or the r27er and even then you do have large advantages over those that you mentioned, you have better flight performance than the f4f and av8b, and the rwr of the mirage 4000 is much better than the mig 29 and you also have large caliber countermeasures and twice as many of them.

But it does over the 12.7 by a huge margin, there is a vast difference between a magic 2 and a r60m or a aim 9l.

No… from those only the mig 29g have an hmd.

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MIG29-G has R73-E that is FAR ahead of the Magic2 in G and a little less range not that far from the magic2.
AV8B has AIM9M that has better range and very little less G pull but overall better performance.
And even then there is the F15 that has no ARH but has the AIM9M with a AIM7-M that pulls better than the 530D (ingame)

Yes i was mistaken only MIG29-G has it but they are in any way less powerful because of their AARH that FORCES you to go defensive against them.

AIM9-L and R60M are used at 12.7 because of the airframe that they are on and that airframe is just the most powerful at it’s BR like for example the F16 that has the best airframe at this BR.
Mirage 4000 Model is not unique and the wingspan is too big to not affected by ground ARH splash, if 1 ARH hits the ground close to you it’s 50/50.

Mirage4000 model is just the Mirage2000 model ingame and that makes it very poor in reactiveness because of the increased model, it just doesn’t fits the plane well but that is purely made by gaijin.

Well 90% have so it really doesn’t make the plane better and when it doesn’t have them, they in most cases have a better plane at equivalent BR.

r73 and aim 9m are still comparable to the magic 2 you do the same irccm as the r73,

The thing is that the airframe of the mirage 4000 is still pretty good, even at 13.0 you do have one of the best flight performance, and even then the fm of those does not compensate for the irccm.

At this br aircraft doesnt really handel well after being damage either.

At 13.0? No, there are plenty of aircrafts without fox 3 or r27er, the f15s, the f16 AM, the gripen the f14s, neither of those have them, so it is far form the 90% that you claim, and then youre have a better aircraft that all of the carriers that use the fox 3

And at the end of the day the mirage 4000 is simply better than all of the 12.7, sure it may not be the best 13.0 but still doesnt need to go down in br, this is an issue cause by the compression at these brs not because it is bad.

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Like i said these planes just have better airframe and model so they are far better and are more agile or have better tech, but most importantly you seem to forget the most essential point
Mirage 4000 can’t fight an ennemy that knows how to play or plays with ARH, let me explain
If an ennemy is side on you can’t lock it because you DONT have SRC PD , only HDN that is a serious lack of force against same BR aircraft as you mentioned like the F15 and F16 and the Gripen.
The aircraft in that BR range have better radar (globally) and have better fox1’s so yes at close range you COULD win if you get at close range first, but at long range you can’t win, every plane has a better radar or better missiles at longer ranges like for example the F16 gets SRC PD so all aspect while M4000 gets SRC PD HDN.
Even when you are rear aspect you can’t kill the ennemy if that same target is too far or aware of your presence.
That is mainly why i said the Mirage4000 doesn’t deserve to be 12.7 or needs some buffs.

Also some models are incredibly tanky like the F14 that can tank severous missiles unlike the M4K that just gets a orange part it can’t fly properly.

They can still be compared but they are far better missiles and that is mainly why they aren’t in lower BR’s

IRCCM may be something but it isn’t undefeatable unlike flight models that can literally boost your plane handling to the max. What i mean by that is that IRCCM can be countered and can fail while FM will not fail just because of it’s nature.

Also i am not saying the M4K needs to go down but it needs something done, in the current state every uptier you fight FOX3’s like the AIM120 or R77 that destroys any possible kill you may do and these planes fly above the M4K effective range, you simply can’t attack them unless they make a big mistake.

France’s F-16A is in a worse position than the M4k, with no radar missiles and fewer missiles overall, also equipped with the old ADF radar with no special features

No… all this airframes have a similar flight performance as the mirage 4000

With search pd you cant lock an enemy “side on you” either, the difference is that it can lock into targets going away from you.

If youre talking about the 13.0 it doesnt have fox 1s, and if you are talking about the adf it then just having 2 slightly better fox 1 doesnt overcome the fact that the magic 2 are simply superior to the aim 9L.

You just need to get closer in these situations, at closer ranges the magic simply ignores flares

They arent far better, the im 9m is just better in some situations while the magic is better in others, they are different sure but it isnt straght up better, as for the r73 they are also pretty close, the biggest advantage of the r73 is the really high off bore shots most of the times they behaves pretty similar.

Again the FM of the mirage 4000 isnt something to laught at.

you literally did…


That’s a stretch

Its fine for the 4 14.0s/13.7s that get the most kills while everything else barely manages to survive and get anything done

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I literally did not i tried to put a perspective an actual fix to the current situation, yes it could cause other problems but that is gaijin role to make a plane better to play and not unplayable or extremly hard you also literally cut my sentance:

If you read carefully i said “or some changes done”.

No. the M4k has literall DEAD ZONES where you can’t manoeuver and you literally need to change AOA in order to turn.

SRC PD literally permits the lock on the side of planes, a Pulse Doppler Radar (PDR) system, like SRC PD, can track and lock onto different aspects of an aircraft, including the side of the plane. However, the ability to lock onto the side of a plane depends on several factors such as the radar’s operational mode, the angle of the plane relative to the radar, and the radar’s specific capabilities.

IT literally HAS AIM7-M at 12.7 soooo NO IT HAS FOX1 and even the SRC PD permits a better AOA of the fox2 or gun kill.

That is literally what i said:

Have you seen R73 insane G pull while radar slaved ?? or the 9m capabilities to ignore flares that is why i said they are above the magic 2, surely not as far as the R60 from the R60M or the R60 from the R73 but still ahead.

I did not say it was something to laugh at but it really is under others of the same BR in general situations, you literally can’t dogfight right now because of the pure quantity of fox1 or fox3 at 13.0

It literally will not do anything in a full br uptier because you are the bottom tier and you are part of the weakest planes in the lobby and the lack of long range capabilites makes the plane useless in most of situations.

You are literally asking why it isnt at 12.7 as it is now, and im telling you why it isnt 12.7.

What are you even saying?

Buddy do you realize that HMD PD is also pulse doppler? the difference between HMD PD and the regular PD is that one can track tagets going away form you , but neither of those can track a plane going perpendicular form the radar.

The radar of the mirage 4000 can also track planes going diagonally into the radar, again the things that it can’t track are planes going perpendicular and planes going away from you( even here if you have enough closure rate it can also track them in these situations. ).

Can you read?

Yeah i also said it… “the biggest advantage of the r73 is the really high off bore shots most of the times they behaves pretty similar.”

The 9m only “ignores” flares if you keep fliying at the same direction, the magic 2 just like the r73 at certain ranges cant simply be flared, again thats why i said that the 9m was different, at longer ranges it does perform better however at closer ranges the magic 2 a far better.

The thing is that it isnt, the FM of the mirage 4000 is not worse than the FM of other 13.0, specually on the fox 3 meta, the thing that it falls behind is on the sustained turn but just like you said you cant dogfith, it has a good acceleration, it can pull a lot of AOA, it has a great top speed.

PLEASE JUST READ i can’t tell you something else just read you are taking it out of the context it is not an actual question just a possible fix for the situation, yes not the best potentially the worst but the fastest one to implement.

Yeah the plane has dead zones in wich when you turn the plane can’t turn and need to do a change of rotation or a change of AOA.


The radar is less prone to that extent. That is all unlike SRC PD, SRC PD HDN is harder to lock in a side shot.

Yeah look what you said :

It just does.

So they are not so much comparable, the r73 bore is also way bigger and has a better G pull and trust vectoring so it literally isn’t on the same level.

Every missile at some range cannot be flared .That is just dumb ofc at sub 0.4km it is almost impossible to flare, but the thing is in the M4K you almost never reach that point or a good shot on a plane.

Yes and that is why it needs to change, the fox3’s spam forces you to hug the ground asap when you see a missile launch and by doing that you take more risk than somebody that can just go defensive because of their better armements. like a F4F for example ofc some planes have similiar reaction like the F15 because you can’t fight FOX3 with FOX1.

You mean like every plane? rudder has limits they can’t that pull much,

I miss tipe, i meant HDN PD

The bore?, aside from that r73 rarely pulls anywhere close to the theoreticall 43g, quite often the magic actually pulls much harder, the thing about of the r73 is that it can pull more AOA, but non the less they are pretty much comparable.

the 13.0 f16 doesnt have fox 1s

Magic 2 under 1.5 km are stupidly hard to flares even harder than the r73 due to the faster acceleration, same goes for the under 1.0 km they are impossible to flare

Do you realize that all planes that doesnt have fox 3 are also forced to play defensively this is nothing exclusive to the Mirage 4000, even the f4f have to go defensive if they are targetted by those missiles.