Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

(again new user limit)
Rear shot - PD mode - Fail to hit (Straight line + bunch of flare + no defensive fly)

Front shot - PD mode - Fail to hit (Just look how i have to fly low and how he has to fly with almost nothing to defeat the missile.)

Just imagine those scenarios but with the combo MiG29 - R27ER or F-16C - Aim7M.
If i’m not wrong @DirectSupport even posted Bug Report, S530D shouldn’t have a problem to track for rear shot. It is not the case in those clip.
And PD radar mode (without HDN) feel like useless.


Clip 1 is proxy fuze bug, seeing those with many other AAMs for 2 days now, did you take this recently?
3 is because the target is notching so the seeker can’t see a strong enough return, I think that’s bullshit and it should track especially this high up
2, 4 and 5 should have hit 100%. An early Sparrow would hit these reliably. Ridiculous

1 is proxyfuze bug

2 is just plain stupid, but rarely I’ve had a sparrow&R24R do similar

3 is because the missile struggles to see notching targets and Gaijin decided all non-data-link missiles should instantly self-destruct the millisecond they lose lock.

Looks like the incoming missiles messed up the tracking in 4&5, its pretty stupid and almost certainly unrealistic but i’ve had sparrows do the same. *4 might also have been a proxy bug since it seems to have gotten very close

1,2 was yesterday day, 3,4 3 to 4 days ago, 5,6 6 to days ago

@pyroraptor841 indeed for 4,6 it seems to follow the track path of incomming AAM.

i still have more clips but don’t want to spam this thread since i can’t upload in one post because of the new user limit. I will do more caution for S530D.
Still the 3 is rather curious. Because i was not in PD mode, the guy is up in the sky, he’s not droping flares and there is no groundclutter, the lock is solid. And i am sure it would not be a problem for the missile before this major update. (other maybe missile overcorrecting his track path in previous patch)

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Seems to be happening a lot recently.


Not using PD mode on a notching target will let your radar continue to track it, but the 530D still needs a very strong doppler shift to find its target.
Missile is essentially blind if the target notches regardless of environment and clutter. At least that’s how they coded it in game. An isolated target like that would be easy work for the 530D irl

What’s the vid hosting people use to post on here? I’ve got a couple of clips of the 530D that don’t reflect that same behaviour in SB, very odd

Igmur or streamable, I think both have limit of 250 mb.

when can we expect the upgraded Pakistani Mirage Project R.O.S.E. variants?

Never? Pakistanii aircrafts are added to china as premiums and there is already choices in Chinese TT

Also ROSE mirage are Mirage 3 variant

how about adding the mirages of pakistan to france cuz IDK the MIRAGES are french?

Mirage 3 and 5

1st → those are pakistannese since the change from ROSE,… (not a single ROSE were made in France)

2nd → gimme an exemple of premiums being added from the same “ultra-minor country” to 2 of the Big 9 nations of the game?

3rd → France would benefit from a Mirage 4000 more than Mirage 3 Rose. ^^"

Last but not least: mirage 5 is a Mirage 3 variant, which is specialized into CAS mission.

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Pakistani* but french by origin, no one can deny that and even i as a pakistani cannot claim the mirage design to be my nations property.

2 nations?
i feel you may have mis understood me. i want the mirages to be in one TT.

well ill have to check the M4000’s weapons loadouts for that, but regardless, Project ROSE will help the vehicles at the BR it is implemented at.

all delta wing mirages are variants and developments of each other (delta wing (this excludes the f1C))

Thanks i know…

never hurt to be too carefull lol

btw, what about the Mirage G?

Would be interesting, but still underperfoming to Mirage 2000C-S5.

i presume it would be a counterpart to the su 24, f111 etc

MiG-23 MLD’s radar is more reliable than Mirage 2000C radar

Edit : R24R is 10 times better than 530D

They benefit from bias nothing new here