Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Am I right in saying that the Magic 2 doesn’t track straight off the rail? Was trying to use the HMS for some off bore shots yesterday and my missiles were nowhere to be seen. Haven’t noticed the drag reduction but the IRCCM boost is nice.

it has a super long delay and it gets me killed a lot

Surely that makes the HMS redundant?

yes and no but nice to have for when we get mica ir with thrust vectoring

delay is half a second like all other missiles it just accelerates very quickly so it covers more distance during that half second than most other missiles, doesnt help its AoA is the same as AIM-9D/G/H sidewinders either

Not all missiles have 1/2 second. R-73 is 0.15.
Also, magic 2s will be reduced to 0.15-0.2s more than likely.

Im aware R-73, R-60, R-27 series have sub half second tracking delays just saying that the half second tracking delay is the standard

hopefully true, though I believe they need their AoA adjusted aswell as it seems far too low

Fin AoA doesn’t coincide with real life, as long as it’s adjusted to hit targets within expected parameters it’s good to go.

I am aware but the Magic I and II were considered dogfight missiles IRL on the same tier as R-60s so you’d think theyd turn on par and definetly better than they do now. Currently they only reach their max overload at the end of their burn according to devs

That’s also likely to change :)
Should be max lateral overload as soon as 1.25 mach.

when are these changes due to come because youre the second person whos told me in the past 2 weeks that a Magic II overhaul is coming soonTM

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I confirm Magic II is following the sun, and 530D is still a piece of shit

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Well,… being objectives there is somes good upgrades been made with update,…

Yet, it’s not enough, and there is still things to do.

530D seems to be working better than ever. I’m not having issues with it so far.

Same for Magic. Just got a 5km kill with it.

Although the radar getting stuck in ACM has killed me multiple times

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Not certain, only that these issues were seen and acknowledged / not rejected. The locking the sun thing isn’t gonna get fixed without further research.

I’d go so far as to say the 530D is the most potent SARH missile in the game right now. Although this should be taken with a pinch of salt because I exclusively play SB.

With the addition of the R-27ER everyone hugs the ground now and the 530D seems to fair better at extremely low altitude compared to others. I’ve also pulled off some disgusting rear-aspect shots.

Well it is better than previously : YES

Is it better than anyone: NO
As you told us, your targets fear R-27ER not S.530D

Is it worth using now: well better than before but can still be improved.

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It’s better that they don’t fear it, if they underestimate it then it’s easier to get those kills. It’s able to succeed in low alt head-on’s where the R-27ER can’t. It’s a lot more agile a short range.

I know we all want range but in SB at the moment only the odd fool flies at 4000m, the others are on the deck where SARHs are virtually useless but it’s in this little niche that the 530D does well and I don’t see that changing any time soon as it’s currently the best way to defeat BVR.

I play sim too, so i’m curious when you say using S530D at low altitude. if you can show some clip about this, it will be great. In my case, i will never use against a target at very low alt, because it will be very easy to defend.

I still take one in my loadout in case of “the odd fool flies at 4000m” but that’s all. But i agree with Bel_V currently S530D is lackluster

Here some clip with S530D (and this happen too often) while i was testing
This is what i mean when i say lackluster/inconstant.

Front shot - PD mode - Fail to hit

Front shot - PD HDN - Fail to hit

( new user limit)


SIM - Side Shot - TRK mode (no flare/no GC) - Self explosion

Front shot - PD mode - fail to hit