Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

You cannot compare statcards, the Mirage F1 would absolutely dump an F-4C in a dogfight



He is not wrong tho. The F1 is generally much better than most F4s I’d say pretty confidently. It starts having issues against mig23 and better airframes in general, but F4s and mig21s can be deafened quite easily if you play your airframe well


“If” all is there,…
FM wise, it is not superior → if you bring people to fight your fight then you win / same as if the F-4 bring you in his fight.

The most notable differences is the weapons.
In such, if i see a F-4C i wouldn’t take time to turn with it–> Magic-2 up is face since F-4C have no flares.

And again, i don’t know if there is any differences between C and CT, FM wise, but the aircraft is not a dogfighter and have close to 0-30% chances to win those, on the basis that the ennemy also knows what he’s doing.

On another topic : [Development][RoadMap] The War Thunder Roadmap for Spring to Summer 2024 - News - War Thunder

Flares and chaff separations will come in the second major update of 2024.
This roadmap seems pretty interesting in general, with loads of QoL proposals gameplay wise.
Also, great addition being that we will finally be able to fine tune the fuel amounts starting next update !


They are half the time wrong any way

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All MiG-23s including the MiG-23M are fully capable of beating up on F-5Es let alone Mirage F1s. I’m hard pressed to believe the Mirage F1 is better than anything including a later Phantom.


Allegedly according to RideR2’s sheet, the Mirage F1 has better sustained rates at high speeds against F-4E and relatively equal sustain at mid and lower speeds. I’m not sure about instantaneous.

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The F1 is inferior in this domain, and will in most cases lose the first few turns due to this issue. The F-4’s have much better close-in performance at 11.0+ than the Mirage F1s last I checked… the problem is that they will dump speed so aren’t as useful for doing so in air RB. The Mirage F1 isn’t much better, but at least it has magic 2s.


my 530D’s just don’t pull at all then overshoot the target

My apologies for the somewhat off-topic question, but wouldn’t Magic II receiving AIM-9M and R-73 style IRCCM at the same time be detrimental depending on implementation?

If the seeker head remains with 0.43 degrees FoV while tracking is suspended, wouldn’t that make it vastly easier to escape the seeker and thus defeat the missile? If the seeker FoV grows to pre-launch size while tracking is suspended then there shouldn’t be much of an issue, I suppose.

Depends because if the seeker don’t see a flare (which will be highly the case due to such small ifov) it’ll just track and won’t get any flare signal at much longer distances(compared to the 2km right now you can immagine the missile will be unflarable at 3kms and even in front aspect most of times). The seeker shut off will only be useful in the case of “long” range shots where ifov is not small enough to prevent flare detection. Also i believe once launched IFOV is not permanent(meaning the seeker can go back at 2.4 fov) but i may be wrong. Meaning the only times your missile will mis is that you shot either in a shit way or you suffered a bug.

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They have quite a large minimum range, between 2 and 3km

I find that you must never lead or lag your target either, and always plan for your missile to pretty much boresighted to the target for the first 2 seconds to get a good track.

what was the iraqi mig-23 were doing exactly?

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and why did Iraq my F1-EQ6?

and compare the kills the F1 got compared to Mig-23 . (F1 had some of the only victories against the Tomcats

Tomcats ever lost only 4 aircrafts, all from Iran-Iraq War, and killed 130 ennemies of various type - MiG-21/23 and F.1 EQ

Meanwhile Mirage F.1 got 15 kills overall in the whole Iran-Iraq war → and lost 35 aircrafts in Air-Combat, as well as about 11(not sure) from SPAAG/SAM systems.

I’m not so sure that a 0.43 KD Ratio, would definetly be better than the 32.5 KD one,…

To add more :
iraqi MiG-23’s got 16Kills for 56 Deaths → 0.28 KD
(And yes No F-14 were harmed by MiG-23 directly → the 2 first F-14 being shot down were tasked to kill 2 MiG-23 and got surprised by F.1-EQ)

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did not compare F1 to tomcat , but F1 to mig-23 (and they were mig-23ML so not a bad version)

Yet i gave every numbers you need to know,… and situations aswell.

If Mirage F.1EQ killed those Tomcats it was thanks to MiG-23’s that risked their own life for it

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the thing is ,why didn’t the Mig-23 for all those years do the same

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