Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Thing is that there is no changes to the missile in the datamines so either it’s the whole game that suffers to use it’s own codelines or idk why it seems to bug so much for some ppl because RDYand 530D didn’t used to bug as much when introduced.

Yeah, probably they will increase them again when the BR 13.0 has arrived.

It’s annoying because the 2000c is such an amazing place, but the missiles feel so gimped.

Magic 2 IRCCM is garbage and i swear there is a cheat to let players know that there is an IR missile being launched at them because some players are so on point with their flares.

The 530D’s have a mind of their own.
Sometimes they pull insane turns to hit the target, sometimes they just fly off in a completely random direction.

That’s called experience,…

You know that they can use VR systems?
You know that people can check behind them?

Even without VR systems, i can check behind myself or everywhere else, visually.

You know that they can see when you’re pointing your nose to get the missile lock? (Just by watching the ennemy nose) → and then you know that most people will fire missile immediatly.

Then tell me, why wouldn’t they be flaring out in advance?

Their camera isnt facing me, they arent looking at me or anyone else other than whats infront of them.
I can fire IR missiles from far enough away I am not spotted and that the indicator/warning will not register, and they still flare.
The missile can have used its motor, and wont have a warning indicator and they still flare.

Its not experience, its extremely suspicous.

Do videos about that then,… because i do not think it’s true.

you fire Magic 2s from a range where you’re not spotted?? I’m learning and flying this thing often enough rn and if people even glimpse a Mirage 2000 rear aspect they arent leaving anything to chance, I do the same thing when there’s R73 slingers around. A rear aspect Mach 1.1 launched Magic 2 within 2km WILL destroy the target.

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they can keep gimping it all they want, M2K and M4K are still the most beautiful jets in the game at least until Rafale arrives


How do you know were someone 'is looking? Situational awareness is key and if you are visible at a cetain range people might just pre flare.

Often times the issue for me on sneaky or extremely long range IR missile shots is that people would most likely be hit if not for the fact that they are defending against some other missile.

Hey guys, have you a current 50G bug report going on?
I have potential secondary source,… wanna see if you used it already or not.

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No reports are open atm but an internal report made by mods is actually used by gaijin to apply fixes to magic 2 and still has not been fully exploited if you wanna provide some people with sources just post them in here or pm People like DirectSupport or Mig23M if you have paying sources. Also note that as these guys work either in close contact to archivists or army so they may already have your source but it’s worth trying to share it.

i found that one: @DirectSupport @MiG_23M
Specifiying that Magic-2 is able to do 50G of maneuvrability and that the Structural limit of Magic-2 is 135G

a 2002 Forecast international Archive about Magic-1 and -2

Hmmm, “No provision is made for slaving the seeker head to the aircraft fire control radar” - about the Magic 1

Devs have proof only Magic 2 can do 50G and not Magic 1.

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It’s why devs consider Jane’s as an unreliable source. Mirage 3 manual confirms Magic 1 and even the predecessor R-530 IR can be slaved to radar. I’ve never liked Jane’s much. Forecast International = Jane’s btw.

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Mirage F1 is a capable dogfighter tbf, it does have a powerful engine, good energy retention and can go faster than a MiG-21 so while it’s not the best it is still capable.

A Kfir canard may be better for pure dogfight but the mirage F1 is still good.

I’m not saying it’s a complete brick,… because it is not, and i know that,… yet, saying it is a good dogfighter… well i would prefer to avoid pure dogfight, even going to deny it to my ennemy.

I prefer largely playing Mirage F.1 as a F-104 with potential dogfight abilities → as an interceptor it was designed to be.

It’s like playing a MiG-21F-13 → you may have a good aircraft for some dogfight abilties, yet doing mostly pure Dogfights is going to kill you
MiG-21F-13 was designed as an interceptor

Knowing about the IRL intended role of a design will always give a glimpse to the way an aircraft should be played.

The Mirage F.1 is “Ok”

Legend about how i see:
META /very good /good /ok /meh/bad/very bad/ completely useless.


For me the BR changes have mixed up the teamp compositions signficantly.

I am now facing a lot more F-16A’s and Mig-23ML’s which are possibly the most infuriating planes to go against in the 2000C-S4.
The mixed up teamp comps have made my win rate much more balanced.

1v1 it absolutely slays, but its a bit didifculy to 1v7 when after your entire team dies.
The player skill at 11.0-11.3 is much higher than at top tier.

Yeah the MM is quite ridiculous at the moment, all I’m seeing is hordes of F-15 and F-16s, meanwhile my team is mostly bots in premium Phantoms, so I’m usually 1v10 3 minutes into the match. It’ very common for the enemy team to have 4xF-15, 4-6 F-16s and some MiG-23s while my team is almost entirely Phantoms. Even though it’s US on both side, the side that has France gets shafted all the time.
I was sitting at 75% winrate in my Mirage 2000 S4, after a 2 hour session today it’s down to 64%.

I’d like to speak to the person who thought leaving F-15 at 12.3 is a good idea.

Well, I don’t really play the 2000C anymore, but I’ve been spading my mirage F1CT a bit (I never did, but now it’s worth it with the better RWR), and the mirage F1 is feeling much better right now. Fighting mig 23s and late phantoms is pretty fine, but against the few f15s, f16s and mig 29s (no more than 3-5 per games on average) I am still struggling a bit. It went from « meh » to « Ok » for me considering what was said just above. Now, it would be even better if at least the f15s could go the fuck out of 12.3. There’s absolutely nothing a MF1 can do anything against them. I can at least make f16 and mig 29 overshoot before fleeing, but I don’t seem to be able to succeed in any defensive flying against a f15.

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