Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Do the same? The same what? Be precise my boy,…

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The information you’re sharing is totally inaccurate and covered in the mig-23 thread. MiG-23s had a favorable 2:1 K/D against Tomcats when only MiG-23ML+ variants are considered. (Not the unarmed bomber models).

Statistics as always are not necessarily conclusive.

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Yeah, the Mirage 2000 is based off the Mirage. It originates from the base version. That is why it’s literally called a Mirage first.

You know why the Strategic bomber Mirage IV is called a Mirage? Because it originates from the same base version. The Mirage.


The Rafale is a new aircraft though it obviously takes from the experience, lessons and research of Dassault’ s previous aircraft. However, it was designed from scratch, therefore it is a new aircraft and appropriately named.

Cmon bro, that is an extreme that does not apply. You know that.

The Mig-23 was a failure of an aircraft that ruined Mikoyan’s reputation on the export market at home. That’s why they immediately abandoned it once the mig29 came online and not a single country bought proposed mig23 export models in the 90s, but rather buy and produce mig21s like the Indians. The Mig21 Bison.

The Mig23 did not do good at all in the Iran/Iraq war. You have not provided a single source it did. Lol show us this 2:1 KD statistic source please. Lol he even knows the KDs of exact variants too?? He’s totally making it up.

Iraqi Mig23s literally ran away when the tomcats radar pinged them. There is nothing they can do at the ranges the tomcat can engage them they neither had the countermeasure to defend. It wasn’t war thunder. Only the super5 and ambush tactics of the Mirage F1 had biggest effect. Dude is making up so much on such a historically and technologically irrelevant fighter/interceptor.

The Mirage F1 and its super5s as well as the Mig29 posed the principle threat. The Iranians literally state that in their aviation history. Please stop with the misinformation on such terrible aircraft that every Air Force analyst from around the world as well as the pilots from that flew them and those who maintained them. The jet was terrible, deadly to fly, turned like crap (interceptor configuration fuselage, no wing surface) and you can barely see out of the garbage. History does not lie. No one cared about the MLD and later variants. They would have purchased them.

The Mirage F1 is superior over the Mig23 in literally every way except acceleration and top speed. It is why it did insanely better in the export market and served way longer in those client state’s air forces.


That fits pretty well actually I think.

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Poly your being stubborn!

the datas i shared were only about IRAN-IRAK war,… other datas from other war/operations weren’t used in previous post.

Could be done differently from what i’ve of source, dated from march 2015 - here’s some KD(AA Based only), all variants included (or precised) + major “events”


MiG-29: 6-18 (cuba 2k / ethiopian/erithrean 3-5 / also lost 5 in Gulf war / 6loss in kosovo / 2 loss in lebanon)

MiG-23’s: 25-102 (lebanon and iran-irak wars are principals)

MiG-25: 8-8 (principally in Iran-Iraq with a 5-1)

MiG-21: 240-501 (too many to be listed)

J-7 shengdu: 1-0 (Sri Lanka civil war)

Mirage F.1: 24-43 (Iran-Irak / Angola/Alto-Cenapa/aegean sea/gulf war)

Sea Harrier : 21-0 (Falklands)

Mirage 2000: 1-0 (Aegean sea against a turkish F-16D in 1996)

F-5 Freedom fighter: 25-23 (with 18-23 in iran-irak - thanks to

F-16 : 76-1 (Lebanon (44k)/soviet-afghan war(10k)- F-16D lost vs Greek Mirage 2000)

F/A-18 (ABCD variants) : 2-1 (in gulfwar)

F-14A : 135-4 (iran-irak : 130-4 / Sidra incident 4k (in 2 different incidents of 1980 and 1989) / last kill in Gulf war)

F-4 Phantom : 306-106 (Vietnam: 151-41 / Iran-Irak: 68-29 / Yom kippur war+attrition war: 81-31, for principals engagements)


is it my problem that both F-5 or F-4 never needed a dedicated attack variant?(multirole baby)

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Is it me or is this thread going astray ? I see talks about F4s, mig23s, MF1s, and not very much of Mirage 2000s


just went astray a little like any other thread. dudes patrol the threads just to talk about a Mig23 or some random aircraft.

Anyway, I wanted to ask the French community which fighter they like better ? the 4000 or the 2k 5F?

I am actually not sure which I like better.

I might say the 5F. Thought the 4000 is one of my favorite fighters of all time.

The 4000 is better in close ranges I’d say (aka current META, for brawls or even in dogfight). I’d say the 2000 5F feels better to play due to the better radar (when TWS PD :( ), and the HMD (especially since the TWS nerf at closer ranges, you want just yeet missiles from 2km away). Also, for now, having more flares, even small calibers, allow you to just automatically drop periodically for some time when in dangerous areas. Doing this with the M4K can lead to dropping to much flares.
In general : Mirage 4000 : more missile, better FM. Mirage 2000 5F : better QoL things

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Of course.
When Mirage III is Leopard 1 Mirage 2000 is Leopard 2.



Does any of you know the top speed for the Mirage 2000C-S4 before its wings rip off?

1512 or something like that. Try not going over 1500

ok thanks

The stock grind on the S4 is quite painfully currently. The teams are even worse.

Mach 1.26 at Sea, clean. Spaded, Ace crew.

It gets better
At least I found M2K to be fun jet
Magic 2 is relatively good missile (if fired in rear aspect, it’s unavoidable. Best firing range is around 2km due to short motor burn time)
S530D is a bit wonky but despite that still scored some kills with it

Just be sure to slow down before any aggressive maneuvering

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530D shouldn’t be in this state tho… It literaly served as a basis for MICA, 530D kinematics and drag coefficient as well as the seeker that seems to bug often are still quite far from what it could really do.