Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Ok, this is very interesting
This could mean that once medium range ARH missiles are added, we may see TWS actually track multiple targets.

So the 2000C-S5 is going to 12.0
But the Event 2000C-S4 is staying at 11.7?

isn’t the only difference that it has less CMs

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I waiting new Mirage 2000D (11.7 or 12.0 BR) with Damocles targeting pod, drag hardpoint and GPS/INS guidance munitions this year

Mirage 2000D RMV would be 12.7 ~ 13.0 BR, very good infrared Air-to-Air Missile & dogfight tactic, modern helmet mounted display, great modern targeting pod, GPS/INS guidance munitions and stand off long-range Air-to-Surface

My question is, how would you see the arrival of GPS guidance in the game ? Aren’t they supposed to be preprogrammed ammunitions without the ability to track moving targets, making them only useful at targeting bases ?

Some are GPS guidance only. Some like the GBU-49 is GPS and Laser, so you can decide to use GPS to preprogram the munition to travel to a specific location and hit that specific spot, or in the last few seconds you can decide to laser the target if they’re moving, so as to track the laser.

We’ve already seen how GPS guidance only bombs work, they once added JDAM into the game on the EJ Kai on dev server before removing it since it did not use it IRL:

Not in this world.

R-3R on MiG-21S does better in that situation.

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Statcard wise: F-4C turn in 26seconds while Mirage F.1C turn in 27 seconds
both stats considering a slick aircraft and with full modification.

Both 9C / R3R are equally useful in that situation tbh;

Statcard is wrong. @RideR2 did a sustained rate test on most aircrafts in-game.

Here’s his spreadsheet: Sustained turn rate tests - War Thunder - Google Spreadsheets

As you can see here Mirage F1C has a better sustained rate compared to F-4C. The Mirage F1 is similar to F-4E in sustained but better at high speeds.


Mirage F1 really should’ve been added back when the F-4E was top dog. Inferior radar missiles for better close-in performance with Magic I.


So I guess MICA EM is going to come with the rest of the other fox 3 missiles once they’re added.

“But we’d also love to give this cutting-edge weapon (fox 3s) to all nations at once to prevent one of them from becoming too OP.”

Video: 12:35 timestamp

SIKE, active skyflash for france


Impossible other Fox3s would be OP compared to it by all means.

Not necessarily skyflashs active i dont was that much worse then early AMRAAMS

Like if you want honest estimations based on what has been said by devs : We know PL12 is probably the missile chosed for China Fox3s since the article on J8F. Gripen C is known to be coming to Sweden and can carry AIM120-C. We know PL12 is basically a copy of early/mid series AIM120C. Now when we know the planes that are in game that can go Fox3 at TT for all nations : US : F16C/(F15); USSR: Mig 29 SMT and SU27; Ger : TBD but probably F4F-ICE with AIM 120-C similar to AIM9M Gripen case; UK : Gripen C; JP : F15J/(Viper Zero who has been confirmed to be in plans last year)CN : J8F, J11; It : AV8B+; Fr : Mirage 2000-5F/Mirage 4000(Low prob); Sw : Gripen C(Confirmed); Is : F15, F16D(not sure + high proba of F16I early in the year).
So for the Missiles we’d have :
US,Ita,Is,Ger,UK,Sw : AIM 120-C(1 to 5)
CN : PL 12
USSR : R77/R27EA(Low prob)
IS : Eventually Derby if they get unique weapon
Most balanced list there can be for the moment with infos we got.

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I don’t think the SU-27 in game can carry ARH missiles, at least not the R-77 and I am not sure about the R-27EA

Likely that they might just add another plane just for fox 3, and not add it to Gripen C for UK? Idk.

I don’t want to misquote the tech mod, but from what I understand, the likelihood of Israel getting Derby missiles is very low, and likely to just get AIM-120. It’s not even used in Israeli service.

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For UK i was close to include Tornado ADV with Radar stage 3 or a GR7 variant if there exist one that can carry ARH

None of the British harrier 2s used AMRAAMS only our sea harrier did which is a harrier 1 airframe

I guess the starting point will be AIM-120C-5 with I think around 105km range? It would allow for PL-12, R-77-1 and MICA.

Also just to clarify F-4F ICE could only use AIM-120A/B, Barak II never used AIM-120, current F-15A can’t use AIM-120 (F-15J should be able to use them).

What I suspect is addition of AIM-120B to 3rd gen AMRAAM carriers and addition of AIM-120C5 to 4th gen AMRAAM carriers to create that BR separation between them.

  • For example F-4F ICE with AIM-120B fighting AV-8B+, Tornado F.3 FSP, MiG-21-93, Sea Harrier FA.2, J-8F, JA37Di, Mirage F1EM VI and Kfir C.10, Cheetah C. All armed with AIM-120B level of missiles (apart from J-8F with 2 PL-12 and Mirage F1 with 2 MICA-EM).

  • In the same time F-16C Block 50, JAS39C, Mirage 2000-5F, F-16A MLU late, Italian F-16A ADF late, MiG-29SMT, F-15J late, F/A-18C (UK/CAN).

Of course AIM-120C1 or even C5 could be added to Harriers for balance reasons. Also I added “late” designations but we don’t know if Gaijin simply won’t update the current models of these jets (I doubt they will).

Missiles with comparable performance (based on my knowledge and with taking into account WT simplification):

  • AIM-120A, AIM-120B, AIM-120C1, R-77, Derby

  • AIM-120C-5, R-77-1, PL-12, MICA-EM, AAM-4

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