Im pretty sure it was on DEV, no?
Yes its dev.
Ooooohh sorry I don’t read data mines, but regardless can’t wait to install the update now.
Yeah it still doesn’t work. It works in 3rd person but not in first person. Which makes it useless for Sim
It’s not that it doesn’t work, they added it, they just didn’t add the HUD mode for the cannon on air targets, so they literally just slapped it on and called it a day.
There is HUD images of the lead indicator I’m pretty sure.
What manual is this specifically? Do you have the rest? I am interested in the IRST section right after the radar section.
Its from MiG-23MLD addition to MiG-23ML manual. Its everything what I have.
Are you sure it is the MLD addition to the ML manual?
Look here: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 'FLOGGER' - History, Design, Performance & Dissection - #410 by _Fantom2451
The pages you had linked are 73 - 84, which there are the Radar pages within the regular 23ML section.
Also, those pages do not discuss the new modes that N008 on the MLD has, namely ББ, МПХ, and ПСЦ:
I am absolutely not xD
I only vaguely remember what someone wrote in the distant past.
Wowowowow, where is this from? Do you have more pages?
Where’d you get the source for the 16-5 K/D? I’d like to use it.
The ML+ variants generally had a pretty good K/D of like 1.5-2:1 depending on which side you believe and omitting the monkey models as they say of course the loss rate is one of the better ones as far as MiGs go.
No source you find on it will ever be good enough to win an argument against someone who is claiming the contrary.
One of the MiG-23 docs from page 11 or 12 from here: Книги по матчасти | Страница 11 |
This PDF I have above only has that info on the modes, nothing on their workings.
It seems like these links don’t work for me, every document I try to click redirects me to a non existent WayBackMachine page.
Maybe you could send the pages with pics?
Don’t click on the links, copy the link text.
Actually, NVM, found the link that is that doc - 23-22 дополнение к РТЭ книга 3.pdf — Яндекс Диск
That’s cool, but damn that is really not a whole lot of pages.
Thx for the link anyways
I want gaijin implement R-60 to replace R-60M on MiG-23M and reduce BR to 10.7 in the next major update
That would be a downgrade from the MiG-21bis. You trade superior armament and flight performance for reduced CM’s that is what makes it special.
Personally, MiG-23M/MiG-23MF BVR better MiG-21Bis
MiG-21Bis BVR inferior to MiG-23M because carried R-3R only like MiG-21S, MiG-21SM and MiG-21SMT
In fact MiG-23M/MiG-23MF it’s definitive of 1st gen MiG-23 but pre R-60M service
MiG-23M/MiG-23MF low calibre countermeasures
If you want a BVR on a lower BR, ask rather for the Su-15. It is a better option than moving the MiG-23M down in the BR with limited armament.