Mig23MLD in 11,3?! get it down!

For certain planes yeah so you see a mig23 and you know your rwr won’t detect him then hug the deck

That only does so much for you.

i know but thats what you got to do

Yes? I literally said you can’t just chaff it.

and what’s the problem with that

idk man you just seem to be repeating what I said as if you’re tellimg me

Yeah but why is it not being able to chaff a proplem

It isn’t? I responded by telling OP the MiG-23 is good because the missile can’t be detected nor chaffed

well i miss understood i was thinking you were saying its op as it missiles can’t be chaffed sorry tired a bit

Well I own the MiG-23ML and I do think its OP. In an uptier it holds its own well against 12.3 by being super fast, and in downtier it kills because it is both fast, has OP missiles for 10.3, and can outturn lots of stuff. So yeah, I don’t think it should go down in BR at all.

For sure, no downtier. Downtier is a cheap way of not fixing the larger problem. We need the BR decompression.

True, however I don’t even think compression affects the MiG-23 negatively. It’s powerful enough to fight 12.3, absolutely solos 10.3 lobbies.

No, but it affects other aircraft negatively. If it gets a lower BR everyone else suffers. At 12.0 it at least needs to work for it’s lunch.

Otherwise they take the approach of “balancing”, which just means to make less powerful and less fun. Some vehicles do stand out in a unique way or are more powerful for their era, handicaps just make them all the same and boring.

Sorta my argument to both sides of the discussion in a nutshell.

Well duh
That’s what I’ve been saying, it’s more than powerful enough for 11.3

No it can’t.

I’m sorry if I misunderstood. Reading the last reply it felt like a justification to allow compression.