Mig-29 BR change (USSR Tech Tree)

The Mig-29 that’s currently sitting at the BR of 12.7 in the USSR tech tree is too high. Especially considering the Mig-29’s armament. It can carry up to 6 total missiles, 2 of them being either radar missiles or IRCCM capable missiles, and 4 R-60M’s
Currently in War Thunder you get uptiers like 9/10 matches, and with a BR of 12.7, that means you will be facing aim-120’s, R-77’s and MICA’s almost every match. While not having any FOX-3’s of its own, sitting at a BR of 12.7 is too high. I think it should be lowered to 12.3 to make it more playable in this current state of War Thunder. Even at 12.3 it will still face FOX-3’s but it will be way less likely. This BR change will also make it more fair. Now I also do understand that with a full downtier to 11.3, it will be insanely strong, due to its flight performance and decent armament. I still wont think it will be too strong. For example, the Mig-23ml gets access too 2 radar missiles, being the R-24R. They are basically 2 guaranteed kills in both an uptier and downtier. Considering this I don’t see how the Mig-29 would be would be any different. They basically have the same armament the only difference being that it has missiles with slightly higher G-overload and IRCCM missiles (which are honestly easier to dodge than radar missiles). Other than that their armament are the same. And having the R-60M’s at 12.7 (13.7 in an uptier), they are basically completely useless since they are incredibly flare hungry and very slow / short ranged. Even at the slightly higher BR of 13.0, everyone has access to at bare minimum 4-6 IRCCM capable missiles with way higher G-overload.
I genuinely feel like this BR change would be healthier for the game.
(I’m open to different opinions and reasons as to why it should not be changed)


I second this but I feel a limiter on it’s downtierness would make sense. In the end though, it’s just a Bison with more missiles and better performance and that’s 12.3 last I checked with R-27R1s and R-73Es


I agree with you. Putting a limiter on its downtiers would make sense if its going to be in a BR of 12.3

It shouldn’t go down to 12.3 its too good for that BR.

Instead of moving a decent plane down, move everything else up.

Decompress the BRs instead of moving down a decent plane.


then make a forbidden BR, like, idk, 12.6
Or decompress BRs as Ion just said because for some odd reason that escaped my brain


well we are asking for more than 5 years. I dont think they will ever fix this BR issue

They’ve been doing their work, giving us inches every update, but I feel we need the game raised to maybe 18.0? Sure there’s now 4 more ranges but Dagor can handle it and I think Gaijin’s servers can as well


Only if it loses R-27ERs. Those things are still insanely powerful and the Mig-29 outclasses most 11.7/12.0s as it is by quite a margin. 11.3s should not be facing R-27ERs

That being said, Mig-29 could get some buffs I think, advocate for those first or failing that, move other things up slightly.

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Would be a nice swap out for the R-73

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Aye, give it its historical loadout of R-73 + R27R/T and leave it at the same BR


yeah sure mig-23 = mig-29
so why dont you play the mig23 at lower br then if its the same?

oh yeah thats a great idea… you know while we are asking for out right absurd BR reductions lets put the F-15A at 12.3 as well! who needs balance! …

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a way to solve this would be giving it the r73 and maybe move it to 13.0.

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Forced to take 4x R-60Ms to 13.7.

Yeah, this plane only has two useful missiles but I wouldn’t send it down to 12.3 as it would create issues down below. As always, decompression is needed, not just blindly switching up BRs of a select few vehicles.

I understand what you mean, but seeing as the Mig-21 Bison in the UK tech tree has 4 missiles that are way better than the current Mig-29 can sit at a BR of 12.3, but the Mig-29 can’t doesn’t really make sense to me

Because the Mig-21 can do 1 thing. HMD fire R-73s. Every other respect, its DOA. Its a mig-21 at 12.3. Its not a good aircraft.

Mig-29 is better in almost every single respect.