Same reason F-8E has 1:1 ratio despite average 2-3 kills per game.
Same reason everything else you have is worthless. If you have to use cherry picking then might as well leave. Thought Pangolin_Fan would offer me something worth reading but he still spending his time spreading the worst take known to mankind around the forum
Dude, you are not that guy. No1 cares if their comments of “worthy” of your judgement.
Still replying btw but sure , keep crying , that will make gaijin nerf russian vehicle and maybe bison will get moved to 12.7 or maybe 13.0
Bison is fine where it is right now, it facing 13.3’s is already a bit too much, let alone 13.7’s as you are suggesting which would be way more frequent since 13.7 is played way more than anything below 12.0. Bison is in weird position as many other jets that cant be moved anywhere because it might overperform in downtiers and underperform in uptiers, not mentioning it is a 75$ premium that gaijin wants to be sold nicely. If top tier gets decompressed (13.3 → 13.7, 13.7 → 14.0, 14.0 → 14.3), than yes it would make senese to raise its br to 12.7, that way matchmaking might remain pretty much the same, and your F-5T would be in a better state.
Bruhh, I was stock grinding the Su-27…
So by that logic, if a guy with Ariete get’s 10 kills on your match, and you’re on Leopard 2A7, you should’ve had 20 kills? What kind of argument is that?
you ever think its a lower br cause its a mig21 with only 4 missiles, 2of which are easily defeatable if you know how to avoid gatewidth irccm and 2 that are easily defeatable if you know how to notch or multipath
Not when it’s paired with HMD, you can easily launch side aspect shots and it’s already one of the best in rear aspect
Again false, a lot of planes doesn’t have PD radar or digital RWR on this 11.3-13.3 matchmaker
You can also carry R-27T’s which also have IRCCM and insane range for IR missile.
It’s still easily avoidable. Don’t walk into people’s WEZ’s and preflare when appropriate when you’re inside one in a dogfight. You can also just flare these pretty normally outside of 1.5km or so
Can you name a plane that won’t get a RWR return from the MiG-21 bison targeting it? Can you also name a plane that can’t just multipath the r27r?
R27Ts are pretty bad overall.
If you know how to pre flare then sure , the thing still a Mig21 with extra gadget. AAM is all the thing offer, everything else is mid to bad. One would look at the jet from many angles , not a few then conclude his own view on said jet.
If RWR and your own eye around that BR are not enough to avoid a literally pencil with a rocket engine strap on it back then I don’t know what to tell you. Again , if you only cherry picking about it AAM while ignoring it performance as a jet then nothing more could be said
France was my first nation, the British are the sixth nation I’ve grinded, it just shows that I’m more experienced.
You could have shown my kd of j7d, kd done before it dropped to 10.7.
by the way you could have shown the entire first page of my combat stats.
that doesnt really make sense though
The MiG-21bison is not undertiered.
his question also made no sense, a meaningless answer to a meaningless question
Bison is well suited for 12.3 right now, heck maybe it stands a chance to go down to 12.0 but that might be bit unfair.
It has very mid airframe, decent countermeasures, mid radar, decent radar missiles and very good r73
For instance mirage f1 stands at 12.0 with 2 magic 2, which are insane missiles imo
Nearly all matches are uptier to 13.0 in bison, which i hate but its workable
Again 10/10 logic. Now since all Su-27 has are R-73’s and R-27’s, 12.3 BR for it when? It has worse flight performance too.
And AV-8B+ at 12.0 when? It’s near subsonic with terrible flight model. All it has are 4x Fox 3’s that are easily notchable and can be multipathed. Truly there’s no reason why it’s 13.0 right?
What the hell is this logic. How desperate are you , why are you comparing Su27 and Mig21 like they are the same jet ???
A plane is the sum of all of its parts. The 21bison is not overpowered at 12.3 as its strong suits are NOT overwhelmingly strong and its downsides DO hold it back significantly enough it ends up in a decently balanced state for 12.3. The damn F-16 is 12.3 and you’re complaining that a MiG-21 should be 13.0. Above an F-16. Because it has 2 good IR missiles.
The Su-27 has R27*ERS*
The Su-27 is MILES better than the 21bison. Like, in a real balanced game they wouldnt even SEE EACH OTHER IN MATCHMAKING. They’d NEVER be able to fight in the same battles. That is how much better the Su-27 is overall.
The Su-27 ALSO has R-27ETs…
This tells me you are either bad at flying the AV8B or have never flown it. It can easily win dogfights. It’s just slow. On top of that it has god damn amraams and you’re trying to act like this is a LOWER BR JET than the 21bison. Get a grip…
R27R do not have long range capability (they are shorter range than AIM-7F…), they do not track supremely well, and they are SARH, not ARH.
It literally has AIM-9Ms too btw.