Meet the Auction!

Also gaijin

The sunk cost philosophy can just do so much
There is a Point were players don’t care about the money any more and just leave the game for good
Something that was pretty clear during the last uprising

People stop Caring for the game if they feel to abandoned from the devs

And the auction really makes me feel gaijin only cares about the top 100 Spenders


In that case…



15 dollars for some useless skins. BRUH


I don’t think this objective is bad, but there was already a much better system that was completely uncontroversial and worked perfectly fine for years:
Just allow user-created skins to be on sale for GE again, just like they were a decade ago when the Revenue Share program was first introduced. There is 0 luck required to get the cosmetic item, and the reward received will correspond to the amount of demand for the item.

The Auction format is clearly just a cash-grab when there is a far more equitable alternative available.


This crosses the line.


Because shooting game market is competitive, so they could not introduce same business practice (they tried and a lot of player stopped playing)…

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I disagree that this should be addition, but the other huge issue is half the player base on consoles can’t get access to this or the market, and no plan has been made or effort to figure out a way to allow console players too. It would be nice if console wouldn’t consistently get ignored from packs to market place. I also understand it’s down to Sony and Microsoft but it would be nice if an alternative market was made for consoles using Golden Eagles as an idea.


Well your 1 in 1000 people that like it, good on you =)

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Amazing you have time to develop and deploy this when the game has soo many issues that need fixing… but as normal its … “look at this fantastic new thing”…


but its far from fantastic

Indeed, hence the sarcasm.

Since Gaijin seems to want to increase their profits, I decided to give it my own spin and see what I could come up with.

I made a relatively simple incentive based system to encourage players to buy more premiums without taking away anything in return, by making research with premiums of the same operator nation as the vehicle in research 110% as effective. This is essentially the same system as that for research with the previous in line, however for premiums.
While this specific system is designed to work with the Subtree rework suggestion, in its basic concept it might give Gaijin some positive direction to help both their profits and the players.

I’m also always looking for ideas to improve and votes in my poll, so I’d appreciate anyone deciding to take a look at it!


Ahh, makes sense, also the ‘buyer’ could always just sell it anyways. Also I can’t wait for switching my account to PC.

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This game doesn’t need more monetisation. It needs the existing funds to be shifted from golden yachts in Saint-Tropez to actual development (read: improvement) of the game. That will increase their income, because ppl generally like to spend a coin on a quality product…


I’d probably agree, but considering their (hopefully soon cancelled) auctions I’m not sure if Gaijin agrees.

Though this was mainly a proof of concept, not to ask for more monetization, but to show that monetization can be done without taking away from players, or using any scummy marketing tactics like they tried to apply here.
And of course I wouldn’t mind if this gives them more of a reason to consider the Subtree Rework either.


Absolutely abhorrent…and the fact the marketplace is FULL OF BOTS…


As long as were promised no vehicles or at the very least exclusive vehicles will be put to the auction let the decals and decorators and skins be allowed imo if people reallllly wanted something visual only that badly. Still prefer auction to not exist however.


But real life economic situations should? This whole thing is indefensible, and stona’s cope post on the news article is just an insult. Content creators that produce “quality” skins already get a cut from the camo boxes, they already get a larger amount for skins that are in higher demand as more of them are sold for a higher price, and for other sorts of content is already rewarded in other ways. From Stona’s post “provide an opportunity to purchase cosmetic items of interest without having to rely on luck” simply makes no sense, you can already purchase cosmetic items for cheaper than this auction house will sell them for without involving luck on the market, and the limited stock means that less people will be able to get these items full stop. It is purely a way of Gaijin making money, and locks the majority of people out of getting the content. The ultimate resolution to this would be to scrap the idea completely, and that is what should be done. If that is completely off the table, and gaijin is willing to die on this hill, then you need to remove the limited amount of the items, or massively increase the amount so that a reasonable number of people will get access to it, for cheaper.


As a console player, might I take this even a step further?

It’s pretty icky that this is being pitched as a pious way to support authors and content creators. Can Gaijin not support these people by paying them for their work and finding ways to monetize the content, with things like premium time, battle pass, et al or, as you said, just selling the content directly? Why does everything have to be so paywalled, overly complicated or locked behind gambling boxes?

Speaking particularly to aircraft skins, when was the last time a skin was made available—either unlock-able via activity or with GE— for a plane not introduced via a recent update? We have dozens of iconic planes that have been in the game for a decade with ZERO skins available to unlock or purchase.

I absolutely love the idea of Gaijin utilizing the community for skin/camo creation and paying them for their work, but they continue to alienate their console player base with locking even more content behind GC.


take 3 step back