Me262 Matchmaker imbalance 7.0-8.0 Air rb

So finally started to play the Me262 series to spade them. So started with Me262 A1a/Jabo and A1a/U1 for the airspawn to get a feel for them.

Start of the match check to what br we are at, see my team only comprised of 7.0-7.3. Now i have seen this before but normally think its a once off, but instantly think this is a 7.0-8.0 lobby.

But this was 3 of the last 6 games ( roughly)
When Germany is paired with Usa its been the same for these 3 games. 7.0-7.3 on Usa and Ger side. 7.0-8.0 On the other team

These are just the three i noticed and is a small pool of data i know. Ill play some more this afternoon to see if the pattern continues.

I dont mind its an uptier so much if we atleast had 4x 8.0s to counter. Mig15 and premium seahawks get a free steak dinner.

This could be why Me262 users suffer and just havent realised the lobbies have been against them.


Before you get insane when flying the 262 i recommend to invest 3 minutes to read this:

Regarding this:

Have in mind that 2 things have to be considered:

  1. The OS of the human brain is eager to identify patterns even if there are no patterns - look up Apophenia.
  2. The MM of gaijin actually follows some rules and changes nation setups even during the day whilst considers also players waiting in the queue. On top of that the setups differ between servers.

So my recommendation would be to switch servers as soon as you don’t feel comfortable with uptier ratios. I use this in the evening (i play out of Europe) by playing on NA and CIS server mainly to avoid to play Mysterious Valley in infinite loops or to circumvent bad weather conditions as i don’t like these thunderstorm cloud weather. Very often the average weather is better on CIS or NA.

Imho your sample size is way too small to claim an imbalance, i summarized this in another thread:

Have a good one!


I already knew i was going to go insane flying the Me262 why i have put it off spading them for so long!

I play in Aus so im stuck with NA servers, SA servers are only available sometimes. If they are wait times are average 5 mins from my experience.

Will give this a read through.

Oh i know its too small to make any conclusive arguments, I was wondering if anyone else had noticed the same pattern. I normally dont see any issues with matchmaker as ive only noticed this one sided thing happen once before. But now three games in a day has me intrigued.

I mostly agree. Although in the specific case of 1 team having exclusively lower BR aircraft while enemy team having aircraft from all BR brackets in the match sample size doesn’t really matter.

it’s for the very simple reason that something like this shouldn’t happen at all to begin with. It doesn’t matter if it was just 3 matches, even among thousands, it’s still 3 more than it should have been.

Prevention for such matches should be hard coded into matchmaking, only then can match be considered even remotely close to being fair.

It is quite funny that this topic pops up in 2 parallel threads,

My reply in another thread:

Regarding this:

Totally agree.

Regarding fairness I:

You might acknowledge that there is a huge gap between the understanding of fairness between gaijin and players - especially regarding this plain nonsense called BR setting; the determination on plain average player results instead of actual combat capabilities is evidence enough.

Regarding fairness II:

Except the rather rare premium JP Fw 190 there is not a single JP fighter able to catch a well flown Wyvern on a Pacific map. Even at 5.0 the j2M2 is way slower and the dive speed of more than 870 kmph TAS (at higher alt) is unmatched by a JP aircraft.

This is a pain on Saipan and Iwo Jima as both maps have an auto ticket win for US/UK teams; so it is not unusual to lose on these maps vs a single Wyvern (or P-38/P-47) with zero points as all they have to do to win is running.

There is no logical reason to put the 262 at 6.3 just so it can be unkillable versus any props.

6.7/7.0 with an interceptor spawn wouldn’t be a bad idea.

It just can’t compete against anything even 0.3 above its own BR, and it’s definitely the worst 7.0 plane.

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all 262 variants should simply be airspawning rn, thats basically the only change you can give them that doesn’t break the game further, I wouldn’t HATE the 262 at 6.7 but then there aren’t many other 6.7 jets to provide a counter in the matchmaker

Okay so did 8 matches, all uptiers no surprise there. In the 7.3 A1u1

3 to 8.3
4 to 8.0
1 to 7.7

Most matches were fine besides 2. Not as bad as yesterday.

7.0-8.0 match. Enemy had 4x 8.0 and 4x 7.7 from the start. We had only 7.0-7.3. Had a couple join match in progress people. We got 2x8.0s and no 7.7s.

Then the 6.7-7.7 match. Enemy had 4x 7.7s bit also 3x 6.7s. 2 of which were Mk24 spitfires. Our team only 7.0-7.3. So still a bit of an oddball.

Just checked the amount of planes from 6.0-8.7

16x 7.7

A lack of spread in aircraft. 6.7 pretty well lacking for anything that the majority of players would play and affect the match making.

3 premiums. Not many players have Bi J6k1, and the Me262 A2a

2x Swedish J/A21s rarely seen

Yak15 and Yak17 rarely seen

Mk22 and mk24 spitfires. Only ones worth playing from a tech tree

So there is a huge void of 6.7 so will rarely see a downtier. Meanwhile 8.0 is saturated 33 aircraft vs 7.0-7.7 42x aircraft for this whole br range.

Of which Sabres and Mig15s would be my pick of the lot followed by seahawks but are premium so less rare. So more reason the br changes from last year for sabres and migs was a bad idea.

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Tbh, even if you got a full downtier to 7.3, there are so many people playing US jets at that br and said jets are so under BR’d that fighting other nations’ 8.0 ain’t a big deal.

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Even at 6.3, using the U/4 as an example, you have to fly pretty much perfectly if you want to be effective against super props. Sure, you can be passive as hell and be unkillable, but then you’re forfeiting any potential you have. Early jets tend to get eaten up by superprops for a reason. Jets in theory have the advantage but it’s really easy to mess up in the 262 against stuff like, say a 51H or an F2G.

Not that I support 262s being at 6.3, for clarity, I actually prefer fighting jets in the 262 specifically because it can dogfight them rather than being a passive perry loop fest.

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