If the max BR in a game is 11.7, is it normal that your team has none and the other team has 3? How are you supposed to know you’re in an 11.7 match if you don’t even have a teammate at this BR on your team?? Our max BR player on our team is 11.3 and theirs is 11.7 three times!!!
Just because the first vehicle spawned by all your teammates is lower than 11.7 doesn’t mean that they don’t have a 11.7 in their lineup that they spawn later.
Oh, that wasn’t clear from you initial post.
But yeah, the game tries best it can to make matches even but you can face planes ± 1.0 BR from yours. So inevitably there are going to be matches where a few players are either lower or higher BR on only one side.
Those matches happen more often than you might think.
If you fly in a JP plane at BR 3.7 it is very common to end up in rather small 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8 lobbies on Pacific maps - in constant full uptiers as JP has no 4.7 fighter and just 1 bomber (Ki 67) whilst US teams have the rather popular F8F-1, F4U-1C and the P-38 L at 4.7.
So it is not unusual that your highest team mate flies the 4.3 Ki-61, you have a Ki-100 at 4.0 and 4 BR 3.7 planes vs 3 F8Fs, 2 4.3 Wyverns and a single P-51…
Although I can understand that at 4.3 BR it’s not a big issue, in a high tier 11.7 match, it makes a huge difference, and it’s not like they were lacking 11.7 planes available in the countries on my team. In my 5 years playing, I have not seen that issue at high tier as far as I can remember.
This simply shouldn’t happen at this BR. Especially with compression. To have 3 11.7 BR planes on one side and not a single one on the other is simply not acceptable at that BR. I know they want us to have short queue times, and we get them. But they should take 1 or 2 sec more to actually balanced the teams at this high BR.
You will understand that we lost…it was not even close.
It can be an issue if you meet an experienced US/UK enemy on certain Pacific maps as the technical superiority of a high BR aircraft is reflected at lower BRs with sheer speed.
So in both cases you have to wait for mistakes of the higher BR aircraft whilst you can just react as the overall performance of you own aircraft is way inferior.
But i do agree that i lost max 20 matches this way 😎