Me 262 A-1 interceptor spawn

Let’s face it - the first 262 is one of if not the worst 7.0 fighter plane. There is nothing special about it - engines are fairly weak, airframe is heavy, it loses speed quickly, cannons cannot pen tanks at all, it gets no air to ground ordinance. Moving it to 6.7 would be reasonable, but I propose a better solution - class it as an interceptor and give it airspawn. This won’t be a massive change, and, besides, a plane like that already exists in the game - the 262 A-1a/Jabo, which is an otherwise identical plane that can mount bombs and gets an airspawn in ARB.


Was that model an interceptor? If it wasn’t then it should get interceptor privileges.

no way man.
Perfectly capable.
Have you considered the other aircraft of the same br?
The squadron 262 btw has hvap for 30mm.

Yes the 262 was made to intercept bombers

That is not the same br. It is 7.3

Just saying :)

no need to be rude.

Are you sure it isn’t a jet fighter that Germany used to intercept bombers? There is a difference between interceptor duties and an interceptor design. The Me 262 C-1a and C-2b have a chance of actually getting designated as interceptors because they were rocket assisted interceptor prototypes.


No jet should have airspawn, giving interceptor spawn to 262-A1 will cause the same problem that R2Y2 caused when R2Y2 had airspawn


Yes it was made to be a air defense interceptor. I am an avid 262 fan I know what it was built for.


The jabo has air spawn when it is literally the same aircraft but it has an option to have bombs. If it can have air spawn there Is no reason the a-1a can’t.


Jabo shouldn’t even have airspawn, but he is a variant focused on ground attack, A1 is purely fighter (and no, he was not designed primarily as an interceptor)

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There is a reason. One is classed as an attacker and one is not classed as an interceptor or attacker. Look at the Fw-190F-8, equivilent to the A-8 but in an attacker role thus it gets an airspawn even though it is a a fighter airframe.

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Honestly. no fighter should have air-spawn. Doesnt matter if its good or bad. The advantage it gives turns bad aircraft into very good aircraft and totally and completely mitigates any advantage for the aircraft that actually need air-spawn at the moment, like bombers.

Me262 at 7.0 getting airspawn would instantly mean that any bombers at or above 6.0 would be DOA in any uptier. and lets face it. uptiers are constant. Aircraft like the Lincoln would be an easy free kill.

The only aircraft that should get airspawn are bombers and low performance strike aircraft.


none of this matters, giving it an airspawn is a balance change

Then 6.7 it should go yes?

This DOES NOT matter.

It isn’t a balance change. Giving the fighter variants of the 262 an airspawn would be unfair to every other jet fighter at 7.0 and would cause nothing but problems for everything else but 262s. Honestly, airspawns need to be removed for strike/interceptor aircraft anyway, as it gives them unfair advantages. They surely don’t need to go down in BR just like every other 7.0 jet fighter.

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It also opens the can of worms of “where does it end?”

Do all underperforming jets get airspawn?
Do all “IRL Inteceptors” get that tag and thus air spawn?

Tornado F3 was basically designed and built for interception/QRA and not dogfighting. Does that mean it gets air-spawn? Same for the Lightning F6

It matters a lot, it’s not because you can’t play at least decently with a-1, it doesn’t mean that the plane is unplayable in 7.0

main problem with 7.0 is the fact that they are facing Mig15 and Sabres, but this is a problem for all 7.0-7.3 in the game