Map rotation is completely destroyed

I can only assume that the map pool can’t keep up with the pace of your play style.

Yes, my play style broke game of course.

No, that’s not what I meant. As far as I know the map pool rotates over a specific amount of time.
Please don’t think that I think your way of playing the game is wrong or that ODL, quit to hangar or whatever bothers me.
It is free to play … this includes that you can play it in the way you like. With all benefits and drawbacks.

Thast the problem since 2 weeks ago looks like dont rotate as usuall and even few maps are missing from the rotation.

9 minutes of crewlock is not enough ??? now if you leave a bttle you have a big chance of crewlock all the nations, i dont know i thnk this is even worst for the queue times but with Gaijin never knows…

So, playing one time in Poland it not enough, go a enjoy the same map 3 times more…

Where did I mentioned the crewlock? Where did I say that this is not long enough? I ask you to quote me in a complete way and try not to tear my sentences out of context.

I think you are the only one taking the things out of context.

Ah ok … sure … have fun here …

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Looks like after this morning update the map rotation works normally, at the least before nigh vision MM update.

EDIT: (Finland and Tunisia continues missing)

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There are always maps “missing”…they remove maps lots of times…small modifications, testing, etc…was always like that…i myself asked for maps a couple times…usually a few days/weeks after they disappear they return, eventually with minor changes, if nothing else on the placement of cap points.
Major changes are usually in the news…
Also…some maps dont appear in all game modes and BRs…last time i checked the map screen in game also provides this info…

Glad your map issue is solved…still don’t agree with your map “specialization”…but i assume that whatever they tried and was causing the repetitions was reverted…

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I remember discussing this with you in the old forum, and that you would get a certain group of maps on certain days:

I’m pretty sure that I’ve asked Gaijin(Stona or Smin1080, one of them) if different maps had the same chance to appear and I never got an answer about it which I could assume that it’s not random. Something that I already knew from experience, like when they increase probability for new maps after major updates. About those that quit earlier getting the same maps it seems pretty normal, the problem is after you play a normal match and still get the same map. The thing is that the map rotation seems to be time related, considering how fast some matches end then it’s likely that you get the same map in the next match, just like those that leave earlier.

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I do wonder why Gaijin don’t use the forum to interact with the community. So many long running debates could be ended by the team stating what is feasible and what is not.
They could take an opportunity to defend themselves regarding decision making and hold votes on what the community want. They could end a lot of conspiracy theory and misnomer about the game with actual fact.

They could save a lot of time to us if they came here and give any clarification. But it’s even worse than in the old forum for what I’ve seen so far.


When you leave a map too early you are in the penalty box. Which means you will get the same map.

It’s in patch notes

What? are you kidding? I never knew that before

Now it’s back to normal, no matter if I leave early or not, I’m not in a “penalty box”; maps changes like it used to be before this bug.
So sorry GhostSoph, there was a real problem here which last almost two weeks before being solved.

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Anyone played in Finland or Tunisia in the last 2 weeks???

Last night I didn’t leave early and only left after enemy team reached my spawn and got the exactly same map in the next match(only different side), was I still in the penalty box?

I never heard of that, care to link the patch notes?

You can check on server replays if there is any replay in those maps, then you can tell if they got removed or not. Sometimes they remove them to make some “adjustments”, latelly they have been removing the good spots on some maps.

I do it and i cant find a single game in Finland or Tunisia, so both are missing from the actual rotation.
Maybe for some “balance” prupose or are victims of the last mess.

I’m pretty sure that they removed them to change something on them, like they did to other maps. Finland has already lost so much of what it once was, and I know of several spots that got changed in Tunisia too along the years. Both are maps that I usually get at the BRs that I play and I also haven’t seen them lately.