Map rotation is completely destroyed

I’m afraid, if they do like they did previously, it will be two more maps destroyed.
Size reduced, no more interesting spots, Normandy and Poland are good examples of that.

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Strange that only the crap maps are repeated and never the good ones.

but yes 80% of WT maps are absolutely crap


It is NOT random. Maps depend on BR, time of day, type of game. New maps appear a lot more. Lately i find that my “preferred” maps also appear more. Some maps get removed from play or from some modes…like asked above…Finland and Tunisia are not in play at the time of writing this.
You can check for yourself on the replays listing…just put the map name in search.

There is no “official” rule on this, assuming because they change it when they have an “internal” reason for it…and dont want to explain every change they make, i guess. Voloklomasnk (or whatever it is called) was removed with a explanation some time ago…but since then i assume they no longer give explanation to players…maps come and go with minor changes…or change BR and game modes…and they actually do this very often, but as we now have lots of maps it is not so noticeable…

We now have lots of maps but we keep seeing the same bad ones if we play a couple of hours. It gets boring. Not to mention the horrible single cap map versions that Gaijin tries to shove into our throats, I already got a solution for them, alt-tab and do something else while I wait for my crew to unlock. I play less but do a better thing with my time.

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I don’t remember them ever improving a map so I always prefer that they do not touch anything else.

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Mostly looking good again for me map wise. Nice to see Fire Arc back. Not seen Tunisa for a long time though and my snowshoes are gathering dust as well. Where did all the Winter maps go?

You get to vote if you like 3 maps or dislike 3 maps and/or ban 1 (one). Of course I get to play the ones I dislike and the one I ban but never the ones I like. (I am in the BR category don’t worry) I doubt it that this is intentional, I am certain that this is incompetence. I feel that as long as we are paying for a premium account we should be able to play the maps we want. Playing the same map over and over again won’t do for me.
And I don’t want to hear; “ the queue” “but the queue times”

When you quit early, you get the same map. Penalty onedeath leavers

It happens frequently when matches are short so it’s not for penalizing anyone, I would say it’s for saving resources.

Does any other map exist??? Please stop giving me these SAME MAPS 9 times in a row…its frustrating…

But you can practice on your SPAA 😆

this Air Rb

Jesus man ,who the hell cares about a map in air rb ? Its all sky 😆




Try flying like “normal” on the extra high altitude maps, or see what getting “5 mins to win in one strike plane” Tunisia (amongst others) over and over 😉

Have you quit the match? You will get same map when you quit.

Nope, i finish them or die early form an unseen missile.