Because WT is an F2P, and fast matches that start and end quickly/force specific playstyle are inherent to core F2P game design.
There is no other reason. You have to accept certain realities of F2P gaming if you’re going to play F2P games.
Because WT is an F2P, and fast matches that start and end quickly/force specific playstyle are inherent to core F2P game design.
There is no other reason. You have to accept certain realities of F2P gaming if you’re going to play F2P games.
I don’t see what stopped them keeping the old map as well.
Gaijin in 2024 really do seem to have a fear of heights and long range sniping. If they are so protective of new players then give new players at low levels their own maps or have tier/Era related maps.
Dota 2 has 45+ minute matches and is one of the most successful F2P games. Pros can end early at 20 minutes, but the comeback mechanics make casual player matches take quite long. Granted, last I played Dota was a few years ago in 2018 so idk if they changed the meta.
Warframe mid/late-game is around endurance matches where you try to survive for an hour if not longer.
TF2 matches tend towards ~20 minutes.
LoL matches tend towards ~30 minutes.
Heroes & Generals, although now closed, tended towards 25-30 minute matches.
Puzzle Pirates is F2P and its “matches” can drag out for hours. A single combat does end in ~10 minutes if your battle navigator is good, but even the shortest voyage tends to have like 4 battles on average. Atlantis/bravery maps and flottilas tend to be at least 2 hours minimum but I’ve seen them go for 6-7.
The “It’s F2P” argument holds no water, air or ground.
not the same kind of F2P. DOTA and those like it are really their own phenomenon. My argument absolutely holds water, air AND ground. You simply don’t like it because it removes your ability to whine. I sympathize. But I also don’t blind myself.
Get in, die, get out, rematch, ASAP. That’s the core principle. That’s why maps are being made this way. Not controversial.
Seriously don’t compare WT to LoL or DOTA. You know as well as I do that is an extremely bad faith and disingenuous comparison. I mean really. That you can even keep a straight face when saying that…
One comparison to make with other games is the maps themselves. How many other games have WW2 battles set in none WW2 settings.That has to be the most terrible thing about War Thunder,the total irreverence of the map to the units on it.
T80s vs M1 on a 1944 Normandy map or Tiger 1 vs US Sherman in 21st century Holland
This kind of sadness is never something they seem to show in their adverts.
Personally I think the game engine has severe limitations and is showing its age.
I can think of no other excuse for it.
Maybe it’s just a kids game but if that is the case why the historical detail and effort regarding the vehicles themselves?
ngl, some days ago I was on a match on a map where red zones are still not as big as the others. So what my team did is flank all the way around ignoring A just to snipe lol So I kinda understand why Gaijin devs decided to butcher up the map…if the team focused on A a bit more then match would’ve been better. We lost that match and enemy team was near our spawn while those guys were out there sniping spawn. But at the same time I also hate the red zones as it limits certain gameplay or quick proper flanks. idk, im starting to have mixed feelings about red zones…gahh Anywho, they died and we lost the match lol so much for the flanking/sniping
The issue is, not all peoples playstyle is good for taking the objective in a city, not to mention vehicles.
So when random matchmaking creates a team that consists of mostly people who don’t want to “cap” objective, then You have games like that. Performance based matchamking/ranking would have fixed that.
Yea, we do need better matchmaking honestly.
If we had performance based matchmaking/ranking things would be much better for every player and overall health of the game.
But some oppose the idea as they are scared that they would be forced to play with people with the same skill level.
On the other hand, the map designers moved to a more eco-friendly approach and planted more green friends in towns, like this one, for example:
The problem with War Thunder is there are so many things you may need to do that force you to take a certain line up and then not be so suited to certain maps.So the game dictates in that respect.Such as Battle Pass.
I’m trying to mod the T95 currently so I really don’t want to be on an urban map where I am subject to fast flanking moves and subsequent side shots.
Also the ten minute drive to a cap zone can be a reason to just quit early.
Then you get crew lock : )
Sometimes what my Battle Pass challenge is does not match the map I have.
The trouble is we always have CAS in this game and really would be nice to have some maps with no Air Support so we can use more open vehicles and try different maps and tactics.
Maybe have better weather,weather seems to have vanished of a late.No rain ,no snow, no fog. Repetitive map rotation with repetitive maps and no weather to shake it up.
Because most implementations of sbmm are god awful (we have to assume gaijin will choose the worst option of implementing it).
So either you are stomping 2kd+ or getting stomped on 0.5kd. You don’t face people of equal skill level because in an effort to make your K/D exactly 1, the system resorts to extremes, like adding a 1 ton brick to the scale to try and balance the underweight side.
That is why I’m talking about performance based matchmaking that takes into consideration score You get in a battle.
Don’t we kind of have this already though? So you get ten kills in a game then the next game you get a full uptier with better players? That seems to be what I an noticing.
Have a bad game and you get down tiered next game.Seems to happen too often to be coincidence and I notice it because getting 8 plus kills a game is rare for me.
I haven’t noticed anything like that.
What I have noticed is that I’m getting revange bombed constantly.
No shit …you kept that quiet : )
I wouldn’t be surprised, I heard rumours of documents/patents.
I don’t know how they will stop a squad of 4 good players entering a game and facing newbies. A squad would be waiting for ever to get a game if they had to find 4 players of similar skill.Maybe with AI matchmaking could be much quicker now.
An AI balancing system sounds like a nightmare to me. The developers would have to assign an unknown “utility value” e.g. a satisfaction score of 5/10 that each player will get out of the game. And the system would balance the whole game in terms of vehicle usage, score, kills etc. Or at least I think that is how it would work from the papers I have read on AI
But the actual low tier map is barely bigger than this? Have you ever played it?
It has a red zone the bottom left corner. This zone tapers off around F1-E1.
If you go on that field north of it after the first 3-4 minutes and fire, you will die to CAS EVERY time as you are the only obvious target, so the field is effectively a red zone before mid game.
It is literal hold W map. I was playing SPAA yesterday and nearly killed an SPAA in their spawn FROM B MAIN ROAD I COULD FIRE DIRECTLY TO SPAWN. I was hitting people with spawn protection. What sort of game design consciously allows this crap? I was playing BR6 SPAA for goodness sake.
This map is absolutely terrible and should never have been added to the game above BR1. Even BR2 tanks its too small. The only way I can plausibly figure out how the maps are continually this bad after all these years (and made worse), is terribly old engine making it far too hard to add them and nepotism.