Many top tier aircraft are overperforming in energy retention

It was also overperforming and will likely get nerfed.

Boy do I have something for you.

We already used it to amend the turn rate to the correct (lower) value and it will again be nerfed just like everything else using normal load factor.

You thought I was speaking without a source?


So aircraft are tuned to nz not Nz in game, right? (Some)

There’s more

Good job, man. Really good job

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These are not new



Further proof that gaijin used the wrong load factor (and that 2 load factor types exist and I am not making stuff up).

Top chart for the F-14 is the normal load factor N_z or while the load factor lines in the other one are for n_z. The test conditions are the same. The first chart shows N_z, and indicates a value of around 4.5G. The lines in the second chart are for n_z, and show around 4.7-4.8G. In game the F-14 Ny value in the test was around 4.75G.

We can do 4.75 \cdot \cos(18 degrees) (18 degrees was F-14 AoA) and… drumroll… it does 4.5G


The overperformance of such vehicles would explain why the fulcrum feels so behind ingame, in the end he’s really the most accurate 4th gen model…


N_z is often used (especially in more modern aircraft such as the F-16C) in the cockpit because, while it’s important to see how many Gs the pilot is experiencing (n_z), it’s also important to know when the wings will snap off your plane…

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Yep, the MiG-29 is probably the most accurate 4th gen fm right now. Not surprised about it thought as there’s tons of manuals for it available with a quick google search.


That’s a lot of words

You got all the smart people agreeing with you so ima say good job thanks for the effort you put into the community 👍


@Gunjob I think this would be good to report to devs


What manual is this from? Because on, fir example, the MiG-29 manual (and also in the cockpit) calls the normal load factor (the one in the local system which is called n_y in your picture) with a capital N
Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 20.25.09

While the load factor in the speed system (the one that is called n_{ya} in your picture) is simply called n_y

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This post could be the final explanation on why many FM are overperforming that much.

If we can all work together, we may have a solid basis for FM which is important with the upcoming FM of aircraft we don’t have much info to begin with.

Great work ;)


Maybe G-load is over-performing in War Thunder if it’s higher than sustained turn rate.


@InterFleet @Metrallaroja


Let’s share this thread with everyone we can, if a considerable amount of people become aware of this issue, the mods will probably feel the need of talking about it.


Would a bug report be a solution ? It would be an “overall” one since it seems to be an issue in game mathematical models of all “3rd and 4th gen”

I would love to see a fix, but that would be a HUGE change for the whole game