Ive had an idea for a while and thought i should maybe make a suggestion here and see what people think. I think that, just like in simulator battles people should be made to use there actual gunners sight in ground rb. Now first of on a realism standpoint tanks cant aim at pinpoint accuracy at weak spots. In war thunder though, you can be sniped in your tiny weak spots by a damn t72b3 from 3 miles away. My suggestion, although obviously not eliminating weak spots would make it more balanced and realistic. Also having your gun camera at the end of your cannon really isn’t realistic at all. And lastly it would make individual vehicles more unique and would stop some of this point and click braindead playing. Anyways thats my suggestion what do you all think?
No, for a few reasons.
First of all, heavy tanks would become harder to kill and would be moved up (Ironically making them worse), and it would muck balance up a lot.
Second of all, perspective change/view change has only been in RB → Sim, not AB → RB. Doing this would make it less appealing to players, and harder to learn, driving people away.
I get why you would want it, but its just not a very good idea.
I’d like it simply for realism in CQC so people quit complaining about CQC, because it’s equally as hard to hit your enemy as it is for them to hit you.
Never happening, Gaijin can barely propose changes to APHE without people acting like it’s the end of the world, would be a nice change but good luck convincing them to do it
yeah the community is bad and hates change good or bad
There’s already a thread for this (it’s also a terrible idea).
This is a discussion not a suggestion.
You can still hit very small weak spots? The parallax means absolutely nothing above 8.3
Aiming for weakspots is balanced though, you are rewarded for precise aim rather than just who has the better shell. There is nothing wrong with making the game “fun” by having some elements of unrealism if the alternative is making the game hyper realistic and only fun to the most sweaty players.
You want this kind of realism? Play SIM. That is why we have different game modes.
I can agree with this. I really get tired of being shot at by tanks where the only thing I can see is the very top of the tank but yet they can still shoot me even though the barrel is clearly behind cover.
Fully behind this.
This is something I would personally love. It would reduce those awful and very frustrating LOS instances that happen far too much. Bino shooting being the perfect example. That is such a lame tactic that I can see many standing firm on wanting to keep in the game. Personally don’t care what those players opinions are. There is ZERO reason I should be getting shot by a tank that’s barrel is physically not even visible and the only thing showing is the very tip of his MGs on top. It’s ludicrous actually and something I’m growing very tired of. It simply SHOULD NOT BE A THING. But again OP I would love the idea myself
You want unrealism? Play arcade.
You want a simulation? Play SIM.
Realistic has always been Arcade +.
It is meant to be in between.
Would be honestly nice if we had the option in the sim to use the periscope that some vehicles have or be able to sit within the commander cupola for sim and rely on the slits though would probably be difficult to model. Since one of the only games that has gone fully though was Red Orchestra/Rising Storm, probably RO2 Vietnam as well.
Tanking in the original Red Orchestra was awesome. Unfortunately RO2 was already very arcadish in that regard. (still more realistic than SIM in WT though)
If they’re going to do Sim, they can do 5 different rates of Ground Simulator Battles:
There. Done.
Instead of consistently switching the Simulators from 9.0 to 11.7, and back again.
Eh, i can tolerate that honestly RO2 devs knew what they were doing, and considering just how wacky the Vietnam war was this was understandable. Now we wait for the F/A-18 Toilet Bomb :)
In what world you see Realistic Battles taking its name seriously? Realistic Battles is not nearly realistic, I’m a Simulator Battles players I do enjoy, if you want gunner sights, play Simulator as well.
Realistic Battles is just Arcade Battles less chaotic and with way less assistance, Simulator Battles is just a rebranded Realistic Battles with better rewards, and that’s it, nothing else is exclusive.
But if you still wanna play with gunner sights, you’re free to enable the option, otherwise, Simulator Battles is always available.
Speaking about the lack of realism in Realistic Battles, Gaijin should work more on Simulator Battles, making the matches and the operation of the ground vehicles more complicated, making the mode more rewarding,
Like the needing of starting up the vehicle, exclusive massive maps for top tier rotation with multi tasks objectives, EC ground basically, maybe, just maybe longer time repair with capabilities of disabling a vehicle permanently for the entire match like a permanent cannon damage or engine damage and functional optics and periscopes,
Things like that making Simulator Battles more realistic and then scrap some very specific modifications to Realistic and keeping Arcade as it is because is the only game mode that takes the name seriously.