Make the Sagittario 2 9.0 for air rb

The current state of the Sagittario 2 is absolutely ridiculous with uptiers to 10.3 and 9.7 with no afterburner, flares, chaff, or missiles. It can outright be avoided by the enemy team and be bullied by everything in tier unless the enemy is stupid enough to turn fight it. The fact that the way better premium Ariete and this hunk of junk are at the same br goes to show how Gaijin doesn’t use their brain past 9.0 when it comes to balance. How am I supposed to dodge an r60 with this?


Ah yes I would love fighting a plane that I cannot catch or outturn in my Meteor F.8 or MD452


How dodge a R60 with Ariete? Or G91, or CL13? Even 9.0 is in range of AIM 9L.
It’s not a problem of the Sagittario, it’s a over all problem by BR compression.

The joke is decreasing BR of Lim5 but increase the Saggitario from 8.7 to 9.3 over time.

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This whole system is just broken

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Maybe if they allowed us to opt out of uptiers and downtiers at least part of the issues plaguing jet tier would be solved. What do you think?

No. Imagine fighting a Sagi in a Me-262. 8.0-9.0 have no chance of outrunning, outturning, outclimbing or killing it any other way. Imagine putting the A6M5 at 3.0.

Then wtf am I supposed to do against the f-5c, f-5a, f-8E, mig-21MF, mig-21SMT, and su-17M2?

A6M5 is currently slower than heavy bombers in it’s own BR, at 3.0 it would still be slower than most things.

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You can turnfight them. 8.0-9.0 planes cannot do ANYTHING against a Sagi or Ariete.

My point still stands. Downtiering these planes to make them able to turnfight and outrun/outenergy all other contemporaries doesn’t work.

conclusion, give it false armament to keep br, Sispre c7 missile and flares

And imagine how it is for the Saggitario not only being outclassed in speed in climb, by a margin of 2 times as much, but also having no defence from a missile 3 km away. Almost like this BR is compressed to hell and back.

Me when it can just hold S and outturn literally everything it faces

Again: lovely outturning R60

Outrun it instead.

The only things that have those at 9.3 are Su-25s and the Yak-38, both of which have bad flight performance.

We need decompression instead of moving planes down.

With what acceleration?

The A6M5 can out turn every prop but that doesn’t mean it has even a chance against a P-51H. Instant turn is not the ultimate marker of performance.

You can outturn the R60 if you start turning before its even launched, the planes that have it cannot lead it enough because they have bad nose authority and its gimbal limit is very limited

There would simply be no games.

This plane is an excellent example for the problems we have in AirRB.
Remember it was introduced at 8.0. lol

  1. Compression
    It should be lower than the Ariete. But there is no room, because it’s too strong against 8.0.

  2. Matchmaker
    At 9.3 with 70-80% full uptiers it becomes useless.

  3. Balancing
    Italy isn’t a popular techtree. Most of the players are good at what they do. So the statistics of the plane are too good. So it goes up.

It’s a plane you can’t line experience. If you can fly and aim properly you are good at it. Otherwise you are done.
So the lack of experience in higher BRs are shining through.

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