Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

What’s the purpose anymore


Lets see what people think about Deathmisser.(No offence btw)

Do you think Deathmisser is a troll?
  • yes
  • no
  • maybe
0 voters

Yes, no, mayhaps, and all three at once.

least ambiguous poll results


@SPANISH_AVENGER from the datamine discord the f4f ice at the very least comes with Aim-9Li stock (IIRCCM missles) and only has to research the smokeless version


Trolle fun tho.
This playerbase tends to come out with the juiciest reactions so I bet it can be entertaining as hell

Holy shit that’s amazing.

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I hope the other shitter ARH busses have their IRCCM missiles stock

I would expect so, since Smin said that a solution was being looked into a week or so ago.

would make the stock grind at least barrable but I can see people crying why their F15s now dont get stock 9Ms

I was honestly expecting them to just yeet the 60M back on the Su and MiGs as the “solution” that was mentioned earlier. So this is a very positive thing!

It doesn’t get AIM-9L/I-1 in

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The dev server received yet another update.Anything new?

Oh damn

I 100% expect SHAR pilots to be told to enjoy their 29Ls ha.

Oh thats new top8c close automaticaly in 1h

Why did they even mention it in the blog then.
If it doesnt end up getting them i am gonna be annoyed

Hey everyone,
I’ve set the topic to close automatically soonTM.

The new thread is here and will open at that time: Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion



We closing. Gaijin cooked good this one. Lets see what next one gonna bring.

Oh damn it 😮