Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Still more then China, Japan, Sweden (lower tiers) and Israel got…
Why not add less vehicles to Britain and add more to those nations who need it a bit better.
Like, lets say an average of 3-5 vehicles per update.

Well Britain has no 10.7 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Sounds like a good addition to me

Dont get me wrong - i play all nations.
But these nations cant even be played to finish daily tasks because of the lack of designated tanks, boats and planes.

gotta love you had to specify sweden low tier lmao, and no this has been the first update in a long time britain got a good few vics (ignore the 3 main ones all should have come long before this update)

But we really havnet gotten that much this update:

We got:

The IFV that we’ve been waiting for for 2 years

A C&P Tornado F3 with AMRAAM
The SHar with AMRAAM

Both of which we could have done with getting last year

a C&P Russian jet no one asked for
a somewhat DOA dreadnought

Most of the air additions were them just playing catch-up for not giving us anything last year.

fixed it for you

Just going by when Germany got the Puma

Im not sure what this comparison is or means? Its not correct.

In the update the Concept 3(P) was added, China got 3 ground vehicles: Update "Red Skies" - War Thunder Wiki

In the update after that, Japan got 4 and an updated model: Update "Direct Hit" - War Thunder Wiki

These are just a few examples. Adding less to Britain does not mean any of those others get more. Thats not how it works.


oh if thats the case wouldnt it be 3 years since its more inline with the M3A3?

Still, you got stuff…
Cant say that about the other mentioned nations…
Which only got a C&P plane with boat, C&P plane and remodeled chasis with a gun attached, and a nation with an C&P plane and a decent IFV.

Possibly, I dont really follow ground much. Far more interest in Air and Naval these days

Hey Smin!

I think I speak for many of us when I say I’d like to see more SPAA gaps filled.

Is this something you plan to adress?

and thats probably all we are getting for the next 6 months.


Direct hit is 3 years ago mate…

Plenty more updates we got in between in which they got nearly nothing.

If they add Czechoslovakia to USSR,we gonna riot, cause the hatred towards USSR and Russia due to our past with them is great. They occupied us for 40 years.


we literally got 4 things worth mentioning this update and 3 of them are playing catch up, like idk what your complaint here is? would you have rathered we wait even longer for these to come so china or israel 2 nations that were added long after the UK get what one more tank or plane?

Plenty of things have been introduced since. You were making a direct comparison of those 5 South African vehicles. What you claimed was not correct.

Israel wasn’t even in the game then. So its a little hard for it to be getting more at that stage.


and that’s the main reason why a good “Warsaw pact” nation would work well. Give a place for a lot of those former block nations to get their stuff but seperate TT to that of the soviets

For the record I have nothing to do with today’s influx of direct pings. Yup


Also not separating it would give Russia Gripen and F-16C,which noone really wants to see.