Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Its about the fact that they haven’t received more since release, the only ones where the SARC and G6.
After that they called it a day.

I’m sorry but wha lmao

thats all good and all for sim players but the large majority of players dont play sim, and trying to play it on keyboard and mouse is near impossible.

Smin 1080p right now:

Its because they were ONLY adding SA light tanks and stuff and Brit mains wanted the mto start adding British Light tanks. We finally got that in the form of the Fox and Desert Warrior.


Thats also a valid point, didnt think of it

and I dont think they should its a british tree britain should be the focus not SA or India, not to mention they dont really have anything left to add, at least not at top tier.

The SHar suffers more than most from Gaijins bad implementation of IR signatures. Aim-9Ls are WAY easier to defeat than they should be and its stupidly easy to get an IR lock onto a Harrier. The exhaust is not modeled to have an IR signature, only the airframe/engine temp.

Combine with other buffs available for the SHar like radar gunsight and things get better fast

Why would this game only be top tier related… There are still so many gaps between all other br’s.
They should really focus less on the top tier side of things and add nations/vehicles based on uniqueness new strategic gameplay for a nation.

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Concept 3 (P), Ystervark and Bosvark would also like a word.


if you say so, I know gaijin wont not for another year at least anyway, and I know because they waited to give everyone ARH missile the Shar and Tornado will sit there DOA and the only option we actually have is the gripen

Yeah, they should. But Gaijin doesnt really seem to like to fill those Gaps. Instead of adding an appropriate SPAA for 5.3-8.3 gap. They just added 2 at 5.3 instead.

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3 out off… 50 possible other things… in a spread of how many updates… 10?

Im just hoping that now the FA2 has radar gunsight, so can the FRS1. its also about time the FRS1 gets finished and Im hoping to exploit the honeymoon period for the FA2 to get it finished.

In all seriousness though, the fact is that minor nations are being mistreated with lack of additions each update, especially unique additions.

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the brits barely have any gaps left, I can think of a couple but they could be filled by british tanks, instead of SA or India and I never said the game is only top tier related, but you will find that is what a lot of people are interested in and every single sub tree EXCEPT india and SA goes all the way to 11.7 in ground

5 in total not 3. Over 15 other updates where other key British vehicles were also planned and introduced.


South African TTD 120mm when


Im more wondering when we are gunna get the next Challenger 2 Devblog with the long awaited overhaul

tbh would probably barely be 10.3 or 10.7 and if its 10.7 it will sit there itself